Official EFT By Gary Craig

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Official EFT

Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
Tips, How-to's, New stuff, More

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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Two-Way Gratitude, (2) THE UNSEEN THERAPIST AT WORK: (a) Nightmares & Panic, (b) "Why Can't I Be Successful?", (3) Articles/Videos To Review, (4) NEED MORE HELP?  


For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our Next Webinar, (2) Resolving Intense Anger, (3) Gems From Our Past Webinars, (4) Practice Group Reminder 


‍Today's Two-Way Gratitude: Among the many exquisite experiences that go with sitting in my "Founder's Chair" is the two-way gratitude that consistently travels between us. My endless gratitude for your efforts and achievements, together with your gratitude for OEFT brings absolute delight from The Unseen Therapist.


Here's an example from Sally Hancock. She wrote this letter of gratitude after I spent some time with her in an OEFT Member orientation session...


Hi Gary, I know you’ve heard this before- just want to tell you that i have learned and experienced so much more since our session. One time just sitting quietly, it felt like the whole world and their Unseen Therapists were sending love my way— was overwhelming. Beautiful, warm, and authentic. Hard to put words to it.


Also i am calming down my terror of death for people i love. Seem to be getting it more how things really are. That what is apparently all around us is not what’s real. Helps put all the craziness in better perspective, too.


I am calmed down and i do connect in more powerfully now. Very meaningful. Helps in every way.


You do a lot for the world. I love the learning i get from Webinars and your weekly newsletter.  So, thanks, and very best to you, and love from Sally in SF.


(Several Examples Below)


NOTE: This series is meant primarily for our OEFT Course Membership and assumes a special, High-End level of understanding. However, as a courtesy, I'm including it here for non-members as well in hopes that we might broaden the benefits for all. It should be well worth everyone's exploration. Enjoy.


e-hugs, Gary




Andre: Followup On Nightmares, Panic, Etc.

A "Good Start" Session


You may have seen a previous video with Andre regarding his extraordinary results with The Unseen Therapist for Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Panic Attacks and more. Since that session, he has gone many weeks without any symptoms or the need for Ativan and other medications.


Recently, however, he has had some recurrences. This is well within expectations and that is why I constantly urge students to TEST THEIR WORK to see what may still be undone. The ultimate test, of course, involves real life experiences and that is what brought up these remnants for Andre.


Watch as we explore the CAUSES for these recurrences and then bring in The Unseen Therapist for further resolution (and more in-depth testing). Our OEFT Course Members will appreciate this depth as it plugs in to your advanced training. Non-members can also learn a lot. However, this session is not a substitute for quality training.


Watch Video




"Why Can't I Be Successful?"


"This content likely speaks to you and will aim you in a useful direction."


There are two elements for success:


  1. Learning the "how-to's" for creating better relationships, school performance, business results, etc. There are countless books written on this and we need not repeat them here.

  2. Removing the emotional resistance that stops us from enacting the "how-to's." This is the most important element and is rarely, if ever, covered in the "how-to" books. This video, however, provides a good intro to this essential topic.


Spend some time here. This content likely speaks to you and will aim you in a useful direction. 


Watch Video 

Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review


1. From our Results collection: Success For Relationships, Sexual Assualt, Business Confidence And More 

2. From our Stairway to Miracles collection: The Ultimate Skill

3. From our Spiritual Experiences collection: Diane Roy's Three Spiritual Experiences




1. Read my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified, Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.


For the Optimal EFT Course Membership
(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students) 

Details and pricing for this Membership


Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, October 24, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

Our topics this time will begin with an inspiring story from Nami Osakabe wherein sharing The Unseen Therapist in a park setting brought near instant peace to a distressed child. We can all do this... recommended.


The balance of our time will be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or bring them up at the Webinar. 


 Reducing The Inner Resistance To Resolving Intense Anger 

"Now that he had released his inner resistance..." 


From: Jenny Li Ciccone


Hi Gary,


I worked with a client on his anger issue about what's going on in the world. He told me he was triggered so much that he felt it exploding inside and was afraid of losing control.


He was open to giving the OEFT approach a try.


When I guided him to invite The Unseen Therapist to join him, I sensed his strong resistance. When I asked him to see an image of himself in his minds' eye, he did see himself extremely angry, putting his arms in front of his body and sensing the anger in his fists. It's like he was ready to fight.


I asked him: "Are you willing and ready to receive The Unseen Therapist's love and light?" He gave me a quick "No." Because: "I am tough, and I don't need it. I can handle it by myself."


Then I heard and passed The Unseen Therapist's message to him: "you don't want to receive it not because you don't need it, but because you were hurt and it's too vulnerable to receive it and feel the love that you desperately need."


He got hit by that statement and had to stop for some moments. Then he saw a different image of himself, leaning on the wall at the corner of a room, not holding on to the same defensive post anymore.


He was then open to allowing the Unseen Therapist to send love and light and do her job to release his anger. We did do some rounds of tapping to help him express his anger and resentfulness.


He finally calmed down and felt that the anger in his fists dissipated. And he saw himself now sitting down on the floor, feeling tired. He explained that it was not the same draining sensation from mental exhaustion as he usually experienced.


His anger went from off the chart down to 3 by the end of the session.


He realized his self-pride blocked him from his healing. Now that he had released his inner resistance, he was ready to deal with the wounds from past incidents that we didn't have the chance to touch yet.


I am truly thankful!


Warmly, Jenny


‍Gems From Our Past Webinars


Login to your OEFT Membership Account​ and click on Recorded Webinars. There you will find a treasure chest of insights and examples about our High-End process with The Unseen Therapist.

Here, for example, are the Topics of Interest from Webinar #17:

0:00:00  Gary discusses EFT’s use with money and finances.


0:4:33:20  Sheri and Gary discuss the current terrorist situation in France and the perspective on it from A Course In Miracles.  “seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.” and ACIM’s aim to “remove the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence.”


0:16:25  Patsy and Gary discuss their Optimal EFT session in Hawaii regarding her relief from Crohn’s disease.  She discusses seeing her symptoms as a barometer as well as feeling an impressive level of “Peace” after the session.

0:29:31  Kolua and Gary discuss Kolua’s impressive experience with the recorded Optimal EFT Marcia sessions on our website.  Adrenal fatigue and blurriness in her eyes improved.  Important discussion emerged regarding why symptoms sometimes come back.

0:36:49  Jay asks questions about Specific Events and how to find which events are underlying a given problem.  Gary and Patsy give their inputs.

0:45:56  Leeza and Patsy discuss how more Optimal EFT practice makes it easier to get to the bliss state.  Gary comments too.

0:49:06  Taye offers this question that may help us get to our issues and Specific Events, “What in this moment am I not willing to share?”  Gary is enthused about the question and comments.

0:50:18  Kolua asks Patsy about her list of Optimal EFT points.  Patsy responds.

0:52:30  Nerea and Gary discuss heredity and other issues that may (or may not) be causes of  physical issues.

0:55:36  Maryse talks about feeling conflicted during the Optimal EFT process.  Gary misjudges the question until Leeza and Sheri make the point that Maryse may be getting very close to the truth (enlightenment).  Important discussion.

1:01:36  Rahman introduces a discussion on visualizations, positive statements, etc. and their limited use within EFT.  Gary responds.

1:08:52  Karine makes suggestions about to how to see things.  Gary responds.

1:12:36  Howard introduces an important topic regarding how the Unseen Therapist sometimes works indirectly in impressive ways.

1:16:56  Diane introduces the important topic … Is the ego our enemy?  Gary and Sheri respond.

1:23:42  Howard talks about ways to progress and how he has been gaining consistent peace of mind.

1:26:53  Mike offers an A Course In Miracles concept that, “the ego always speaks first and it is always wrong.”  Lively discussion follows.

1:28:41  Karine discusses other ways of looking at the ego.  Gary and Sheri respond.


1:35:01  Rahman asks about vibrations and the Law of Attraction.  Gary and Sheri respond.


P‍ractice Group Reminder:  Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary


Provide Feedback, Questions. Optimal EFT Results, etc.

© Gary Craig 

All Rights Reserved

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States

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