Official EFT By Gary Craig

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Official EFT

Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
Tips, How-to's, New stuff, More

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The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers


IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Wisdom, (2) The Unseen Therapist At Work: (a) Sadie Gets Deeper Into A Specific Event, (b) Relief For Marlene's Childhood Abuse, (3) Beautiful Message From Unseen Therapist, (4) Articles/Videos To Review, (5) NEED MORE HELP?  


For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our Next Webinar, (2) The Last Webinar Recording Is Now Available, (3) Sheri Baker's OEFT Boot Camp Starting Soon, (4) More Peace From The Unseen Therapist, (5) Practice Group Reminder 



One day a farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The animal cried loudly for hours, while the farmer tried to find something to do to get him out.

Finally, the farmer decided that the donkey was old and the well was already dry and needed to be covered anyway; that it really wasn't worth pulling the donkey out of the well..

He invited all his neighbors to come help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to throw dirt into the well.

The donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly loud. Then, to everyone's surprise, he quieted down after a few shovelfuls of dirt.

The farmer finally looked down into the well and was amazed at what he saw... with each shovelful of dirt, the donkey was doing something incredible: It was shaking off the dirt and stepping on top of it.

Very soon everyone saw, with surprise, how the donkey reached the mouth of the well, went over the edge and trotted out...

Life is going to throw dirt at you, all kinds of dirt... the trick to getting out of the hole is to shake it off and use it to step up. Each of our problems is a step up. We can get out of the deepest holes if we don't give up...

Use the land they throw you to get ahead.

Remember the 5 rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hate.

2. Free your mind of distractions.

3. Simplify your life.

4. Give more and expect less.

5. Love more and... shake the dirt, because in this life you have to be a solution, not the problem. 


(Examples Below)


NOTE: This series is meant primarily for our OEFT Course Membership and assumes a special, High-End level of understanding. However, as a courtesy, I'm including it here for non-members as well in hopes that we might broaden the benefits for all. It should be well worth everyone's exploration. Enjoy.


e-hugs, Gary




"Sadie" Gets Deeper Into A Specific Event


"...we explored our process in detail during this "Good Start" session and came up with more refinements for her use. Solid success."


Sadie (name changed for privacy reasons) is an OEFT Member who was using The Unseen Therapist for a VERY BOTHERSOME specific event. She received some results but plateaued there and wondered why she wasn't continuing to progress. As you will see, we explored our process in detail during this "Good Start" session and came up with more refinements for her use. Solid success. Much to learn here.


Watch Video




Relief For Marlene's Childhood Abuse - Full "Good Start" Session


Here is a full "Good Start" session wherein I help Marlene with her parental abuse issues that have plagued her for many years. Note that she had previously tried numerous other therapies without results. Note also how we search for specific events but end up aiming at an advanced "made up" event. Highly successful. Much to learn here.


Watch Video


Anne Ryan Writes Down This

Beautiful Message From Unseen Therapist

"The answer came in  one flowing, symphonic experience."


Intro from Gary: The more time we spend with The Unseen Therapist, the broader and deeper become our ability to hear Her wisdom. Such is the case with Anne Ryan who recently asked her the simple question, "What would you have us know, Unseen Therapist?"


The answer came in  one flowing, symphonic experience. Anne wrote down the words exactly as they were given. Not  one bit of editing was applied to them. Here they are. Please allow them to fill your heart. Better yet, please spend more quality tiime with The Unseen Therapist so you can develop this same skill. Anyone can do this. Yes... lncluding you.



“I wish only love for all of you. I wish only love for every living being on this planet.


I invite you to sit and see how it feels when you hear these words. 

Can you embrace them, or perhaps some part of you feels undeserving. Perhaps you hear them and think “that's OK for others, that doesn't apply to me”.


I want you to know that it does apply to you, it truly does. Let me help you in this moment and going forward from here. Let me help you to feel deserving of every strand of love that I offer to you. 


I invite you to sit quietly and to allow yourself to accept the possibility that you deserve to be loved. 


Allow yourself to accept the possibility that you deserve to be healed. 


Allow yourself to accept the possibility that you deserve to be peaceful. 


Gently notice how this lands with you as you hear my words. 


If you can embrace them and welcome them I rejoice.


 If you cannot let them in, even as a possibility, I embrace you in my love.

 If you are somewhere in between, I encourage you to feel compassion for the parts of you that still don't feel safe or worthy or deserving. Perhaps you find that you just don't believe enough. You want to but the doubts seep in.


Whatever you notice I honor it in you. I am the essence of Unconditional Love and in this moment I invite you to feel my love surrounding you, like a gentle mist or fog. Swirling with ease and swirling love all around you.


Feel your feet on the ground, connected to the earth, anchoring you as my love for you gently reaches all of the places in your being that need healing, any places that have not yet filled up with peace.


Peace is everything. 


When you feel deep inner peace, then all truly is well within and without. As you allow moments of peace, it brings with it healing. 


There are so many things to seek in this world of form. There can seem to be many things to strive for mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I promise you that deep inner peace will bring greater healing to these things than you could imagine. The things that you seek or strive for may fade into insignificance or they may resolve and be no more.


Seek peace and all else will follow. These are my words to you all.”


Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review


1. From our Results collection: Hip And Leg Pains Fade As A Result of Emotional Work

2. From our Stairway to Miracles collection: I Am Not A Body, I Am Free

3. From our Spiritual Experiences collection: "Please God, May I Feel Your Peace?"




1. Read my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified, Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.



For the Optimal EFT Course Membership
(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students) 

Details and pricing for this Membership


Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, February 12, at 10am Pacific time

This is where you get live support from me and immerse yourself in both our OEFT process and The Unseen Therapist. Lively exchanges. Entertaining, Highly informative. Customized to you.

Our topics this time will include:


  • A followup question for Gabrielle about the "freeze response."
  • Other questions/topics from Members as they may appear.
  • We will close with a joint healing exercise for the audience. So bring with you a personal specific ailment or specific event and let's see what happens.


This will be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or bring them up at the Webinar. I will be joined by Sheri Baker and Gabrielle Rutten, MD to answer whatever topics you choose.


Our last Webinar's recording is now available: To access it, just login to your Optimal EFT Membership Account and, in the left hand menu, click/tap on Recorded Webinars>Webinars 2017 and after>Webinars 136-185>#152 Working With The Unseen Therapist

Here are the Topics of interest:


0:00:00 Gary Opens Webinar. Sheri provides an orientation.

0:06:58 Sheri announces her upcoming Boot Camp

0:10:20 Gary contrasts our conditioned thinking with some of the NewThink that is part of the OEFT Course. These items reflect common errors made by OEFT students. Sheri, Gabrielle, Jolin, George and Marion comment.

1:09:30 Ela asks three insightful questions about working with The Unseen Therapist. Sheri, Gabrielle and Gary comment. 

1:38:00 Gary closes Webinar.



Sheri Baker's OEFT Boot Camp Starting Soon


Are you an advanced OEFTer? Are you feeling called to lift your understanding to an even higher level? If so, you might want to consider registering for Sheri Baker’s next OEFT Boot Camp, beginning on Saturday, 2/18, which will focus on Communicating With The Unseen Therapist.


The workshop is targeted to advanced students who want to elevate their overall skills with OEFT, with an emphasis on connecting with our spiritual healer within. Classes are scheduled for six consecutive weeks from 10:00 a.m. to noon (Eastern time), including 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, and 3/25.


The Boot Camp is offered only to the OEFT Course membership and the cost of the six-week workshop is $500. Cost also includes the OEFT Guidebook which highlights key information presented. If at some point you decide to pursue the more extensive training to achieve certification in Complete EFT, the fee will be credited to your tuition. Past graduates and current participants in the Complete EFT Certification training program may attend the Boot Camp free of charge the first time. For all returning participants, cost is half price. 


This workshop will not be offered again until September 2023. If you feel the time is right to get started on the road to OEFT mastery, please email Sheri at She’ll send an overview of the Boot Camp to you and answer any questions you may have.




“I was awed how you shared with us your precious experience and wisdom which seemed to flow from a boundless source made available to us through your loving generosity.”


“I feel an even deeper connection with the light that Unseen Therapist is and represents.”


For additional participant comments, please visit OEFT Boot Camps listed under Support in the Member Content section on


Sheri Baker is Director of The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center (English language) and OEFT Boot Camp Instructor



More Peace From The Unseen Therapist


"It shows how it can be easy to change the world around us when we change our perceptions."


From Francoise Vache: Hi Gary,

Here is a short experience from my friend Muriel, who has been practicing OEFT regularly with me for around 6 years. She is a pharmacist and very spiritual person too.  It shows how it can be easy to change the world around us when we change our perceptions.




From Muriel Maziller: A few weeks ago, I was on the train when suddenly a child of about 5 years old in anger started yelling at his mother. She tried to calm him down saying "I understand you haven't taken your nap, you're tired"...totally ineffective, the child redoubled his screams.


Occasionally he would stop and started over again looked like a big whim and after 10 minutes of this scene, I started to feel anger within me, with the urge to slap that cursed kid who was disturbing the quietness of the trip.

I realized then the ugly thoughts I had and had the reflex to turn to The Unseen Therapist… and here is what it gave: I connected to Her and surrendered the situation (my anger, impatience….) and I started to relax and even smile at my reaction to the situation (the child was still crying) and to detach myself from it to the point of resuming my reading of "A Course In Miracles " on my tablet.

After 15mns I realized that everything was silent… the child was sleeping! And not only was he sleeping but his mother who noticed we were about to arrive at the terminus was preparing, putting on him his scarf and his hat, but he didn’t not wake up…. even with the noise made by the passengers who were preparing to get off the train too!

Thanks to Gary for showing us the way and a big thank you to Françoise, my friend. GRATITUDE to Unseen Therapist.


Muriel Maziller 

P‍ractice Group Reminder:  Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary


Provide Feedback, Questions. Optimal EFT Results, etc.

© Gary Craig 

All Rights Reserved

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States

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