Let me tell you a story.

In 1902, John D. Rockefeller’s business Standard Oil had grown into a sprawling empire…

And he was the richest man in the world many times over.

Yet Rockefeller was constantly attacked in the media… 

The public hated him… 

And there was even an assassination plot to take him out with a bomb.

Truth be told…

Rockefeller was under so much stress he suffered a nervous breakdown and, in a single year, went completely bald.

Not only did he lose every inch of hair on his head… 

He even lost his eyelashes and eyebrows.

You might think from there it would get better for ol’ John D…

But not so:

President Teddy Roosevelt himself took aim at Rockefeller, and vowed to destroy Standard Oil.

Roosevelt’s government filed a massive anti-trust suit against the company...

And after a decade of painful, costly litigation…

The Supreme Court ordered for Standard Oil to be split up.

Now, for most folks the extreme stress, 10-year legal battle, and devastating verdict would shut them down for good (or send them to the loony bin)…

But not John Rockefeller.

He found a way to turn it around.

And amazingly, just 2 years after the court ruling everyone thought would ruin him…

He became richer and more successful than ever before.

Because Rockefeller doubled down on the 34 new businesses created from Standard Oil…

And many grew even faster than the original company (one later became ExxonMobil).

The result?  

Rockefeller’s fortune ballooned to the equivalent of $318 BILLION today.

(Roughly $130 billion more than Elon has in 2023)

So how is it that one man can endure so much stress and emotional turmoil…

…And come out the other side stronger and wealthier than ever before?

The answer is actually pretty simple:

The richest entrepreneurs are often some of the most resilient people in the world.

This isn’t some genetic predisposition either…

They tend to follow specific habits, mindsets, and behaviors that allow them to cope with insane amounts of stress and hardship while continuing to operate at their best.

It’s why you’ll frequently see business owners of average means and intelligence overcome incredible adversities…

…And go on to dominate in business and achieve multimillion-dollar success.

Now, while I truly hope that neither you or I ever face the kind of stress John Rockefeller went through…

In 2018, I did face one of my most discouraging years ever in business.

Similarly, in 2020, my good friend Bedros Keuilan battled through the toughest year of his life.

Yet today we’re both stronger and more successful for it.

Because we had the right habits & mindsets to guide us through the hard times and continue executing so we could ultimately WIN.

If you would like to know how to overcome the painful challenges you’re guaranteed to run into as an entrepreneur… 

…So you can stay mentally strong for your family and keep growing your business & income to provide for them no matter what

Then I’ve got great news for you:

In the March edition of Millionaire Monthly, I’m sharing the mindsets and strategies Bedros and I (and dozens of other 8 and 9-figure earners) followed to weather the storm… 

…And come out the other side with better, more resilient businesses.

This issue is packed with simple ideas and actions you can turn to when things get tough and you need a quick boost.

Even if you’re feeling completely down and out… 

The simple daily action steps I’ve included can help you get back on your feet, navigate the most stressful situations, and shift momentum in your favor.

These are strategies I normally only share with our private coaching clients who pay thousands of dollars…

But when you join Millionaire Monthly today — you’ll get this rare knowledge for a tiny fraction of what others have paid for this exact same information.

Except there’s only a couple days left before this issue goes out…

So if you want to dominate at the game of business no matter what’s going on in your life or the world around you…

I recommend using the link below and joining while there’s still time.

>> Join Millionaire Monthly and build the Unstoppable Mindset of the world’s richest entrepreneurs

Success Loves Speed,
