Based in the heart of Hollywood, Chainsaw is a post-production haven for nearly every type of project that comes out of the feature film and television industries. The company offers offline editorial, editorial finishing, and color grading services for studios and producers. Acclaimed dramas like Game of Thrones, reality series such as America’s Got Talent, award shows like The Oscars and movies such as The Boondock Saints have all relied on Chainsaw’s top-of-the-line post-production facilities. With the quickly changing and demanding media landscape inherent to the industry, Chainsaw’s legacy KVM system had reached its limitations, making it difficult to keep pace with the ever-growing demands of clients. The first issue is with the network itself. The old system used a copper backbone. This traditional copper cabling required too much space, lacked the ability to accommodate cutting-edge applications and lacked the security television and feature-length movie producers rely on when creating their product. READ MORE» |