Perhaps when we understand what art is, we will understand who we are. ~ William Hirstein, Ph.D
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Unveiling the Invisible, Oil on panel, 18" x 18", 2017


A recent conversation with an Australian who made Denver his home 5 years ago prompted a question, the edge salted in sarcasm:

"How do you like living in this country now?!" 
"Well, you know mankind has always . . . "
and together we finished the sentence.

Violence, hatred and destruction have been part of our social fabric since the beginning of "us." Within the generations each individual contributes, knowingly or not, to perpetuating or eliminating these rooted human behaviors.

The act of creating ART offers a way out of ruination. 

Making art generates an energetic shift in our whole being. Opening channels to our soul, requiring us to think and feel and embrace the honesty revealed in our work . . .
Making art invites kindness for, and acceptance of, ourselves.

Just as individuals in collective prayer has been shown to offer healing energy, I believe the energy ignited through the artistic process can contribute a collective shift towards empathy and kindness, acceptance and honesty. 

Turns out science may agree!

Current research in the field of Neuroaesthetics suggests that. . .
When we experience art, we feel connected to something larger.
~ Washington Post, This is Your Brain on Art

And philosopher/scientist William Hirstein has done compelling research that speaks to the need for humans to create and value art, though his work is matched by critics who suggest otherwise.

According to people watching technique demos in classes, there is a distinctly calming shift in my breathing and overall energy while immersed in paint or oil pastels.

It is a magical place to be!

Learn about Neuroaesthetics HERE
Check out This is Your Brain on Art HERE



Scottsdale Artists School, Spring 2016, Vero Beach Art museum, Winter 2017


  • Longing for immersive artistic guidance beyond the classroom? 

From a recent Artist Mastery Immersion Participant:
In my painting practice I hear myself saying, “Thank you Marianne,” several times. I am so much more aware of what makes a painting work for having spent the last year learning from you. I think you easily cut 5 years off my learning curve! I am so thankful for how you traversed my ups and downs, kept me on track, and acknowledged me and my work no matter how it manifested. ~ Emily Oldak

Paintings by Emily Oldak, Artist Mastery Immersion Participant, July 2016-July 2017


"Spare Time" in between teaching and commission works. . .

Centering Series, oil pastel, 7" SQ each, 2017
Contact Marianne for purchase information



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