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📝 Today's Featured Articles
  • 🔋 Bitcoin Stores Energy: How this changes everything.
  • 🛡️ Protecting Privacy: Taking time to protect your stack gives you financial freedom.
🔋 Bitcoin Stores Energy

Bitcoin Is Actually A Store Of Energy, And That Changes Everything
By Shane Neagle          

In an opinion editorial by Shane Neagle, the editor-in-chief of "The Tokenist," the author challenges the negative perception of Bitcoin's energy consumption and proposes that it could actually be a positive attribute. Neagle argues that Bitcoin could function as a "store of energy" and provide a superior alternative to traditional monetary systems.

The author highlights historical examples, such as the ancient barter system and the Roman denarius currency, to illustrate the challenges of accurately measuring and storing the value of goods and services. Neagle suggests that Bitcoin's decentralized nature and cryptographic proof secure the trust needed in a new form of currency.

The article emphasizes that Bitcoin's energy consumption plays a significant role in its value and regulatory framework, impacting its price and public perception. Neagle also addresses concerns about the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining, acknowledging that 76% of investors want BTC to be more environmentally friendly. However, the author argues that focusing solely on Bitcoin's energy consumption overlooks the potential benefits it offers as an energy-backed currency.

Neagle concludes by stating that Bitcoin's ability to store and transfer energy makes it a unique and promising currency for individuals and society as a whole. The article suggests that Bitcoin has entered the realm of an energy currency, positioning it to withstand future technological innovations and challenges.

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🛡️ Protecting Privacy

How I Protect My Bitcoin Privacy And Enjoy True Financial Freedom
By Prasad Prabhakaran

In this opinion editorial, Prasad Prabhakaran, co-founder of BitHyve and Bitcoin4India organizer, discusses the importance of privacy in Bitcoin transactions.

He shares his personal experiences and highlights the risks associated with overlooking privacy. Prabhakaran emphasizes that transparent transactions can lead to financial losses and erode trust in Bitcoin.

To reclaim control over financial privacy, he recommends employing privacy-enhancing technologies like VPN and Tor, utilizing CoinJoins and Whirlpool to mix transactions, practicing address management and avoiding reuse, opting for peer-to-peer transactions and being mindful of information sharing.

Prabhakaran concludes that prioritizing privacy is crucial to fully realize the decentralization, security, and pseudonymity promised by Bitcoin.

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