
Now that the semester is well underway, I’m pleased to send you the first edition of the Institute for Humane Studies’ (IHS) monthly undergraduate newsletter for the 2017-2018 academic year. IHS is a leading academic institute that seeks to promote rigorous debate and scholarship on individual liberty and economic freedom on college campuses. It’s my hope you’ll join us in contributing to these important conversations - and even consider pursuing a career in developing and advancing the ideas that are crucial to human prosperity.

Through the newsletter, I’ll connect you with other students, professors, and thought leaders in the ongoing conversation about freedom in today’s society. I’ll be passing along information about the following:

  • On-Campus Events: Lectures, debates, and intensive discussions where you can learn from and build relationships with professors and peers at college campuses across the country.

  • Career Resources: Opportunities and connections that can help you explore and establish yourself a career in ideas, from internships, to research opportunities, to funding for PhD programs.

  • Articles, videos, and other online resources: Some of the most interesting discussions, debates, and ideas about liberty in today's society right at your fingertips.
I hope it’s a valuable resource to you, and that you are able to take advantage of some of the opportunities below.  


Dr. Nigel Ashford
Senior Program Officer
The Institute for Humane Studies
Events and Conferences
Entrepreneurship, Ethics, and Public Policy Seminar - Institute for Humane Studies

November 11, Midland, MI

Are you interested in exploring how public policy affects entrepreneurship and free enterprise? If so, please join us for a day of perspectives on the topic that span disciplines, career paths, and traditional labels. Delve into these ideas during the day, then explore your thoughts while connecting with peers and professors at evening socials. Registration is free and all meals are included.

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Happiness and the Free Society Seminar -
Institute for Humane Studies

November 11, San Diego, CA

Are there political and economic institutions that encourage the pursuit of happiness? Join us for a one-day seminar where we will explore the philosophical and economic connections between human happiness and a free society. Registration is free and all meals are included.

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The Ethics of Saying Things:
Free Speech on American College Campuses

November 20-21, Sacramento, CA

Does the First Amendment have any limitations on modern American college campuses? Delve into these ideas during the day, then explore your thoughts while connecting with peers and professors at evening socials. Registration is free and all meals are included.

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Ethics Across the Curriculum Seminar -
Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics

March 9-10, Washington, DC

Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply to participate in a seminar titled “Ethics Across the Curriculum.” The Institute will select twelve participants, who will each receive round-trip airfare to Washington, D.C., meals, and two nights of lodging at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center. To apply, please send a CV and a short, half-page cover letter expressing your interest in the program to the director of the institute, Michael Douma, at Please use the email subject line: “Ethics Across the Curriculum 2018.” Participants selected for the event will be notified by January 15, 2018.

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Career Building Opportunities
Free Speech Internships -
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

June 14-August 10, Philadelphia, PA

Deadline: March 11

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Fellowships Available for PhD in Education Policy - University of Arkansas

The Department of Education Reform offers competitive merit-based fellowship awards, providing full tuition plus an attractive annual stipend for qualified applicants. An additional stipend is given to all fellows through the award of a Graduate Assistantship, allowing the student to gain valuable experience by conducting research for 20 hours per week in the Department of Education Reform.

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Essay Contest - Institute for Liberal Studies

The Institute for Liberal Studies is accepting submissions answering the question “Should Universities Have Limits on Freedom of Expression. To be eligible, you must be a full-time post-secondary student studying in Canada, or a Canadian resident enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in another country.

Deadline: February 28

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Videos and Articles
Video: 10 Myths About Government Debt
Myth 1 is that the government owes “only” $20 trillion. (In reality, it’s much more.) But luckily, Myth 10 is that there’s no way to fix this problem. Join Dr. Antony Davies as he explores solutions to the debt crisis.

Watch the Video
Video: Identity Politics: The New Racialism on Campus?

Does identity politics cut us off from important conversations on issues that affect us all? Watch the Unsafe Space Tour panel discussion at Rutgers University featuring Kmele Foster, Sarah Haider, Bryan Stascavage, and Mark Lilla. Moderated by Tom Slater (of Spiked Magazine).

Watch the Video