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TNR Live: American Politics Post Trump
Tuesday, February 16, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (EST)

A look ahead from The Soapbox—with Zach Carter, Jeff Hauser, Osita Nwanevu, Zephyr Teachout and Jason Linkins

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The Nature of the Future: Elizabeth Kolbert and Kate Aronoff in conversation
Tuesday, February 23, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. (PST)

A look ahead from The Soapbox—with Zach Carter, Jeff Hauser, Osita Nwanevu, Zephyr Teachout and Jason Linkins

The Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Sixth Extinction returns to humanity’s transformative impact on the environment, now asking: After doing so much damage, can we change nature, this time to save it? In Under a White Sky, Elizabeth Kolbert takes a hard look at the new world we are creating. Along the way, she meets biologists who are trying to preserve the world’s rarest fish, which lives in a single tiny pool in the middle of the Mojave Desert; engineers who are turning carbon emissions to stone in Iceland; Australian researchers who are trying to develop a “super coral” that can survive in a hotter globe; and physicists who are contemplating shooting tiny diamonds into the stratosphere to cool the earth. Kate Aronoff, a TNR staff writer and author of the forthcoming Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet and How We Fight Back, joins her for a conversation.

This program is presented in partnership with The New Republic. 

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TNR Live: Covid Relief
Wednesday, February 24, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (EST)

A look ahead from The Soapbox—with Zach Carter, Jeff Hauser, Osita Nwanevu, Zephyr Teachout and Jason Linkins

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TNR Live: Politics & the Media
Tuesday, March 9, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (EST)

A look ahead from The Soapbox—with Zach Carter, Jeff Hauser, Osita Nwanevu, Zephyr Teachout and Jason Linkins

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