Register today to TNR Live: How Government Can Fight Global Warming + TNR Live: The Oscars During a Pandemic
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TNR Live: How Government Can Fight Global Warming
Tuesday, March 23, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (EST)

A panel discussion on building the tool kit to slow climate change, with:

Kate Aronoff—TNR staff writer
Ben Ehrenreich—Journalist and novelist
Mariana Mazzucato—Professor of economics, University College London
Moderator: Heather Souvaine Horn–TNR staff, Apocolypse Soon editor

A look ahead from The Soapbox—with Zach Carter, Jeff Hauser, Osita Nwanevu, Zephyr Teachout and Jason Linkins
Register for TNR Live Here

TNR Live: The Oscars During a Pandemic
Thursday, April 22, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (EST)

A look ahead from The Soapbox—with Zach Carter, Jeff Hauser, Osita Nwanevu, Zephyr Teachout and Jason Linkins

Register for TNR Live Here
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