In these times of rapid and unprecedented change, the critical need for urgent action in advancing greater workforce diversity and development, innovation and continuous learning, and “people-readiness” at all levels has risen to new levels. This webinar will focus on the concepts of sustainable mobility and transport and all that it encompasses.
The 2021 TRB Conference on Advancing Equity featured presentations from those working on the front lines of transportation equity and justice within community-based and non-profit organizations. This webinar will provide key insights from the conferences.
Asphalt mixtures containing recycled asphalt materials (RAM) may benefit from the use of a recycling agent (RA) to improve cracking resistance. This webinar will describe existing practices for use of RAs in asphalt mixtures with RAM.
A public-private partnership (P3) can aid infrastructure owners in achieving a range of objectives on projects. This webinar will explore the TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's guidebook for developing strategies and capabilities to achieve successful implementation of privatization.
The latest traffic signal simulation techniques can be integrated with open-source platforms to facilitate future research and community benefits. This webinar will present the latest efforts by federal and state agencies in developing traffic signal simulation platforms and tools.
Plastic waste is an ongoing concern for our environment. This webinar will include up-to-date engineering information pertaining to recycled plastic waste in asphalt pavements.
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