Priced managed lane projects that use pricing as a demand management tool are facing increased political and policy resistance to their implementation. There may be a general anti-road pricing sentiment in certain localities or concerns that advancing road pricing prioritizes automobile travel over other transit options. This webinar will detail why we implement priced managed lanes and changing goals for implementation.
Slurry seals, scrub seals, and tack coats are a means to pavement preservation, extending service life, and overall performance. However, there is no nationally accepted guidance on their construction. This webinar will present findings from a recent study and construction guide specifications that have been developed to help agencies fill gaps in existing construction specifications.
Are you considering the use of dielectric profiling systems (DPS) and paver mounted thermal profiling (PMTP) technologies for real-time quality management? This webinar will address how DPS and PMTP can advance pavement quality measurement from limited random post-construction measurements to near-continuous measurements shortly after construction.
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