Telecommuting and remote work allowed many organizations to maintain business continuity through the pandemic. It also presented challenges and risks that must now be considered when planning for long-term and permanent implementation of flexible work arrangements. This webinar will discuss the challenges, risks, and considerations of telecommuting, remote work, and hybrid schedules.
Modern technology is radically changing how travelers find their way to their destinations. Vehicle mounted navigation systems and smart phone applications are rapidly changing travelers’ level of comfort through the often-unfamiliar landscape and processes associated with large airport properties. This webinar will examine needed changes in the approach to wayfinding for both the ground access and terminal components of passenger processing at modern airports.
Landside airport operations are a significant portion of an airport’s daily operations and customer experience. Surface traffic also contributes to a substantial portion of the carbon emissions at airports. This webinar will share research and experiences that improve landside operational efficiency, assist in better understanding the customer journey, and help achieve sustainability goals.
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