
TRB Webinars

Landscape of the Fixed-Base Operator Industry
Thursday, July 25, 2-3:30 PM Eastern

The fixed-base operator (FBO) industry provides aeronautical services to a wide spectrum of aircraft operators at airports. This webinar will investigate how general aviation fared during the COVID-19 pandemic and how FBOs, as the principal service agents for the industry, met pandemic challenges and addressed changes that predated COVID-19. Since a 2018 review, the importance of an FBO’s market (customer and aircraft mix) has emerged.

Related TRB Publication: ACRP Synthesis 129: Landscape of the FBO Industry in 2022

Visualizing Risk for Resilience
Monday, August 5, 12-1:30 PM Eastern 

In today's reality of sea-level rise and extreme weather-related events, planning for infrastructure resiliency is more important than ever before. Resilience is a process that is scalable and includes both long-range and intermediate planning. With shrinking budgets, investing scarce resources must be justified by return-on-investment. This webinar will address how to approach communicating risk.

Related TRB Blog: 
Resilience Research Becoming a Bigger Part of Transportation Planning

Mitigate Tree Obstructions Near Airports
Thursday, August 15, 11 AM-12:30 PM Eastern 

Obstructions for trees around airports can hinder aircraft operations, requiring airports to manage tree growth on and off airport property. This webinar will help identify mitigation strategies to address immediate needs and long-term planning.

Related TRB Publication:
ACRP Research Report 259: Methods to Manage Tree Growth Near Airports

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