
TRB Webinars

How Are We Doing? Effective Performance Evaluation Practices
Monday, September 9, 12-1:30 PM Eastern

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has increased transportation investments and accountability in reaching broad goals, such as carbon reduction, safety, and accessibility. Those tasked with accomplishing these goals must assess their programs and investments. This webinar will share effective practices by transportation agencies to assess the effectiveness of investments and performance-based planning practices.

Tactile Wayfinding—Improving Access for People with Vision Disabilities
Wednesday, September 11, 2-3:30 PM Eastern

New research reveals how different tactile walking surface indicators (TWSIs) can be used in complex transportation settings where other cues may be inconsistent, confusing, misleading, or missing to provide wayfinding information to people who are blind or visually impaired. This webinar will discuss the requirements for successful tactile wayfinding.

Related TRB Publication:
TCRP Research Report 248: Tactile Wayfinding in Transportation Settings for Travelers Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Progress and Opportunities for In-Vehicle Impairment Detection
Monday, September 23, 3-4:30 PM Eastern

Traffic safety technologies for detecting driver impairment rapidly evolve and gain traction. Understanding the current landscape, opportunities, and future potential of in-vehicle impairment detection is crucial for guiding industry innovation, shaping effective policies, and ultimately saving lives on our roads. This webinar will explore in-vehicle impairment detection technologies, including current applications, opportunities, limitations, and future implications.

Capturing and Integrating Cost Data into Maintenance Management Systems
Thursday, September 26, 2-3:30 PM Eastern

One of the fundamental objectives of a Maintenance Management System (MMS) is capturing maintenance costs for analysis. Where in a system labor, equipment, and materials usage costs are captured can make a difference in the level of detail, accuracy, and timeliness of the cost information collected. This webinar will help agencies navigate the process of integrating cost data into the MMS to effectively manage and track maintenance expenditures.

Related TRB Report:
NCHRP Synthesis 629: Practices for Capturing and Integrating Cost Data in Maintenance Management Systems

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