
TRB Webinars

Progress and Opportunities for In-Vehicle Impairment Detection
Monday, September 23, 3-4:30 PM Eastern

Traffic safety technologies for detecting driver impairment rapidly evolve and gain traction. Understanding the current landscape, opportunities, and future potential of in-vehicle impairment detection is crucial for guiding industry innovation, shaping effective policies, and ultimately saving lives on our roads. This webinar will explore in-vehicle impairment detection technologies, including current applications, opportunities, limitations, and future implications.

Effective Communication and Utilization of Airport Economic Impact Studies
Wednesday, October 2, 3-4:30 PM Eastern

Airport economic impact studies indicate the growth and sustainability of the aviation industry. This webinar will address the crucial need for effective communication and utilization of airport economic impact studies to support funding, promote community engagement, and drive strategic planning amidst ongoing economic and aviation industry challenges.  

Related TRB Publication:
ACRP Synthesis 125: Communication, Implementation, and Outcomes of Airport Economic Impact Studies

Integrating Performance-Based Planning with Long-Range Plans and STIPs
Monday, October 7, 12-1:30 PM Eastern 

Integrating performance-based plans and programs helps employees effectively attain performance goals while enhancing the efficiency of organizational planning processes. This webinar will highlight current practices for integrating federally required performance-based plans, such as Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Transportation Asset Management Plans, and freight plans with long-range transportation plans and state transportation improvement programs (STIPs).

Related TRB Publication:
NCHRP Synthesis 631: Integrating Performance-Based Planning into Long-Range Transportation Plans and State Transportation Improvement Programs

Preparing a Competitive ACRP Proposal & Conducting ACRP Research
Monday, October 7, 1-2:30 PM Eastern

Are you thinking of conducting research for TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program? This webinar will take a behind-the-scenes look at how ACRP project panels develop requests for proposals, evaluate proposal submissions, and select contractors.

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