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Good Afternoon,

With self-isolation measures in place, we have decided to move to working from home for the next little while! We will still be available Monday-Friday, 9-5 pm to assist you via phone, email and through our social media accounts.

In the meantime, for those of our customers who are located in Nanaimo, Da Tang Chinese Food has a special promotion in place for take-out and delivery. This is not a traditional deal as you do not need to purchase through us to receive the discount. However, you CAN combine this offer with your IDD Voucher. Please click on the image below for more details:

If anyone has questions regarding expiry date extensions, please get in touch with us and we will let you know! We thank you for your continued support, and hope you are staying healthy and safe!
~ IDD Team
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Island Daily Deals · 206-2520 Bowen Road · Nanaimo, BC V9T 3L3 · Canada