Hi All,

Earlier this year, I announced that I would be completely revising our website and training. To do so required my full time & attention and thus I have "disappeared" from our Webinars and from doing our newsletters.

At first, I thought I would be back within the October - January window but, alas, this major refinement/upgrade has become a far larger task than I originally thought.

I now expect to launch everything in January or February.

In the meantime, here are some HIGHLIGHTS regarding what you might expect...

  • A new look that you should find MUCH EASIER to find what you want, especially for those visiting via smart phones
  • Some new training options that will gently guide you through the process.
  • More attention/training on EFT Tapping. While Optimal EFT (OEFT, Unseen Therapist) is more powerful, not everyone is ready for it. Hence the enhanced expansion into EFT Tapping.
  • More expansions into the uses for our process for Relationships, Money & Business, Performance and other topics.
  • An emphasis on ReThinking everything.
  • A new section on Key Ideas that includes...
    •     When it doesn't seem to work.
  • Your "Miracle Finder" with examples about how it works. Everybody has one. You need only learn to use it.
  • Loads of Free Stuff... all accessed from one place.
  • For those interested, we will have sections on Inspiration and A Course In Miracles.
  • A new support system that will be much more prolific than our current one.
  • Lower costs: Despite the many new features, the cost for me to produce all this will be dramatically reduced. I suspicioned this early on so stopped taking on new Members last summer. In October I knew I could reduce fees so I stopped collecting the monthly payments for anyone who was paying monthly for our advanced online training. Those folks are now all paid up. I still don't know the exact pricing but my goal is to make this training available to virtually everyone. New pricing will be announced when we launch in January or February.

Soon, Gary

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