We won in the House; now it’s going to take everything we’ve got to pass the Save the Internet Act in the Senate
Free Press Action

Net Neutrality won BIG in the House today, but the Senate is gonna be tough. Could you donate to help secure this victory?


We won!

The House just passed the Save the Internet Act — a bill that would restore real Net Neutrality rules online. This never would have happened without the phone calls, emails and shares from you.

But now the fight gets harder. The Senate is a tougher battlefield and we’re going to have to make every legislator feel the political consequences of opposing Net Neutrality. Could you help?

Donate $5 today to pass real Net Neutrality legislation in the Senate.

The next phase of this fight will take everything we’ve got. We’ll need at least 60 votes to secure this victory in the Senate. That’ll take thousands more phone calls, on-the-ground actions, visits to congressional offices, creative media plays and more.

To stay super-independent we don’t take money from business, government or political parties. It’s why you can always count on us to put your best interests first and fight for things that will create real change in our media system.

Anything you can give will make a huge difference: Please donate today to bring back Net Neutrality.

Thanks for all that you do. Let’s win this thing.

Candace, Carrie, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. The next phase of this fight will take everything we've got. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already vowed that the bill will be "dead on arrival" in the Senate. Chip in whatever you can today to fund the fight and prove McConnell wrong.

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