Suing the government is a big deal, but we aren’t afraid to do it.
Free Press Action

Hi there,

Suing the government is a big deal, but we aren’t afraid to do it.

In fact, we’re fighting multiple court battles against the Trump FCC right now. And today we want to update you on one of those fights: our commitment to pushing the agency to create policies that will boost media ownership among women and people of color. (Because right now a handful of White men own almost all of our media.)

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has told the FCC — three times — to consider its core obligation to promote gender and race diversity in broadcast ownership. In particular, the court has told the FCC that it can’t make any changes unless it’s first examined how media consolidation impacts ownership opportunities for women and people of color.

Instead of doing any of that, in 2017 the FCC further weakened media-ownership limits with little more than a wink to diversity.

So we sued.

And today we’re submitting a filing in our suit against the FCC’s decision to gut its media-ownership rules. But this is just one of many steps in the process. We need to continue this fight in 2019.

Could you chip in $5, $15 or $20 to help sustain our legal team? A generous donor will double all year-end gifts. So please give whatever you can today.

Thank you for all your support.

Jessica, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Chip in today to help power up our lawsuit to put the brakes on runaway media consolidation.

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