In this issue, April 16, 2019 View it in your browser.

Upgrading from Java 8 to Java 12, F# 4.6 Released, React Hooks, Google Cloud Run, Progressive Delivery, Creating Events from Databases, Samsung's Agile & Lean UX Journey

Slack’s Senior Director of Infrastructure Engineering Julia Grace, Netflix’s Site Reliability Engineer Ryan Kitchens and Oracle’s Java Language Architect Brian Goetz are speaking at QCon New York 2019. Take a look at rest 40 already confirmed speakers.
Join them and save up to $500 before May 4th!



Keep Calm and Authenticate: Why Adaptive is the Next Best Thing

This white paper explores the pros and cons of various approaches to authentication, and why we need a better mechanism to ensure great user experiences without compromising on security. Download Now.

Bryan Cantrill on Rust and Why He Feels It’s The Biggest Change in Systems Development in His Career

Today on the podcast, Bryan Cantrill discusses with Wes Reisz a bit about the origins of DTrace and then spends the rest of the time discussing why he feels Rust is the “biggest development in systems development in his career". (Podcast)

Mik Kersten on Moving from Projects to Products

Shane Hastie spoke to Mik Kersten of Tasktop about his new book, Project to Product, and how the Flow Framework can be applied to changing the way of working in organizations. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Convolutional Neural Network Deep Learning Techniques for Crowd Counting

Facebook Open-Sources PyTorch-BigGraph Embedding Framework

Facebook AI Research is open-sourcing PyTorch-BigGraph, a distributed system that can learn embeddings for graphs with billions of nodes. (News)


  1. Running Serverless Containers on Google Cloud Run

  2. Amazon Expands Its Machine Learning Offering with AWS Deep Learning Containers

  3. Merging OpenTracing and OpenCensus into a Single Distributed Tracing Framework

  4. Microsoft Introduces Azure Front Door, a Scalable Service for Protecting Web Applications

Progressive Delivery

James Governor talks about Progressive Delivery and includes lessons from Microsoft, Cloudflare, Sumo Logic and Target. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 24-26, 2019. Join us!

Cloud Native CI/CD with Jenkins X and Knative Pipelines

Christie Wilson and James Rawlings explain the CI/CD challenges in a cloud native landscape, and show how Jenkins X rises to them by leveraging open source cloud native technologies like Knative Pipelines. They demo a GitOps based Jenkins X workflow, showing how simple Jenkins X makes it for developers to stage and deploy changes on demand. (Presentation with transcript included)

Spinnaker and the Distributed Monorepo

Jon Schneider presents a continuous delivery platform with application monitoring, automated canary analysis, and organization-wide code search showing how to identify and repair applications. (Presentation)

See what’s new in DevOps including:

  • The InfoQ eMag: DevSecOps in Practice
  • What’s New in Linkerd v2
  • Seven Steps for Improving Cloud Security with Business Integration
  • And more...



High Performance, Real-time Data Architecture for the Internet of Things

This white paper explores how in-memory computing addresses the most common use cases and challenges associated with the real-time processing and storage of IoT-generated data. Download Now.

QCon SF 2018: Security Panel

The panelists discuss current security issues and ways to mitigate them. (Presentation with transcript included)

Performance: What's Next?

A lot of the techniques and approaches that are used for developing and improving software performance are tried and tested rather than innovative. But what does the future hold - will we be doing the same things in 5, 10 or 20 years time or will software evolve? (Presentation with transcript included)

Parsing Safely, from 500MB/s to 2GB/s

Geoffroy Couprie describes a few common issues in parsers, and how they interact with performance, showing how to get the performance of handwritten C parsers using Rust. (Presentation)

QCon ’18 Retrospective eMag

A Collection of Lessons Learned from Netflix, Google, Uber, and others - Download Now (eMag)


  1. Failsafe 2.0 Released with Composable Resilience Policies

  2. Hazelcast Release Managed Cloud Offering

  3. Quarkus Java Framework: Q&A with John Clingan and Mark Little

Upgrading from Java 8 to Java 12

The current pace of change in Java might be intimidating, and it can certainly seem like upgrading from Java 8, which the majority of applications are still running on, to Java 12 could be difficult. In this article we’re going to look at the benefits of upgrading, potential issues with upgrading, and some tips for upgrading (Article)

Panel: Java Is Still Free?

The panelists talk about costs, freedom of use, who governs Java/OpenJDK and what providers are for Java infrastructure for the next 5, 10, 15 years. (Presentation with transcript included)



Modern Java EE Design Patterns (By O’Reilly)

Download this report to explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance while inspecting design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, and shared resources to model service interactions. Download Now.

F# 4.6 Released with Anonymous Records, Improved Performance

The most significant change in F# 4.6, now available with .NET Core 2.2, is the introduction of anonymous record types, which simplify the use of records in a number of contexts. Additionally, the F# compiler chain in Visual Studio 2019 has improved performance for medium-to-large size projects in several areas. (News)

.NET Core Fundamentals – Download the InfoQ eMag

Explore the benefits of .NET Core and how it can benefit not only traditional .NET developers but all technologists that need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to the market. Download Now.


  1. React 16.8 Releases React Hooks: Reusable and Composable Logic in React Components

Emotion 10: CSS-in-JS with Flexible Scoped and Global Styling, and Server-Side Rendering

Emotion 10.0, a CSS-in-JS library, is a massive, long-awaited release with new features, improvements and bug fixes. Components can now be styled with the CSS property in a larger set of contexts, with a more natural syntax allowing access to the theme properties. A new Global component enables dynamic global styling. Those changes in turn made possible zero-configuration server-side rendering. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Reflecting on Top-Down or Bottom-Up System Design: Vaughn Vernon at MicroXchg Berlin

  2. Creating Events from Databases Using Change Data Capture: Gunnar Morling at MicroXchg Berlin

Interaction Protocols: It's All about Good Manners

Martin Thompson explores the history of protocols and their application when building distributed systems. Protocols provide the foundation on which the quality attributes are delivered; qualities such as performance, resilience, and security. (Presentation with transcript included)

See what’s new in Observability including:

  • Observability in Testing with ElasTest
  • Recommendations When Starting with Microservices
  • Chaos Engineering Observability: Q&A with Russ Miles
  • And more...

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Samsung's Agile & Lean UX Journey

  2. Experimenting with #NoProductOwner at F-Secure

Q&A on the Book What’s Your Digital Business Model

The book What’s Your Digital Business Model, by Peter Weill and Stephanie L. Woerner, explores how companies can reinvent themselves to become successful in the digital economy. It provides a research-based framework, coupled with assessments and examples, for executives to think about how to compete in the digital era and decide what’s needed to migrate towards a digital business model. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?

In the book Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic explains why it is so easy for incompetent men to become leaders and so hard for competent people - especially women - to advance. He explores leadership qualities and dives into how to recognize them, paving the way to improve leadership in organizations. (Article)

Who Broke Prod? - Growing Teams Who Can Fail without Fear

Emma Button explores the factors that contribute to psychological safety on a delivery team. She looks at some of the steps that leaders and team members can take to foster a culture of blameless failure that encourages innovation and collaboration. She looks at soft-skills, CI/CD practices, retrospective processes & tooling that can help build a culture of trust and ownership within a team. (Presentation with transcript included)

Risk of Climate Change and What Tech Can Do

Jason Box and Paul Johnston briefly share several bold visions to slow down the pace of climate change to buy time and save lives. (Presentation with transcript included)