October 28, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Not a lot of sunshine hitting the most popular stocks these days, but some of these ugly ducklings grow up to be swans... what were the promises of wealth that crossed our desk this week?  Let me catch you up...

We started with a somewhat cryptic story about Dave Lashmet's "Venture #87" out of the Stansberry stable, but I think I've got it figured out... will "400% gains" start on October 31?  Just click below to...

Thanks to a little-known IRS loophole, many people are collecting huge payouts from government regulated "royalty programs"…every single year. If you want to participate you'd better hurry. The next payout deadline is coming fast. 

Learn how to collect your first payout before December 10th.


After that we moved on to something folks love, Income, but it's even sexier because it's tax-free.  Maybe.  Tim Melvin has been promoting "America's #1 Tax-Free Stock," with a 7.6% yield, and if I'm right the yield is even better... but the story might be worse.

I also checked in quickly on the three "Breakthrough AI Stocks" that Shah Gilani is teasing this week... since they're the same ones he was pitching back in August.

And on Friday I had a two-fer for my favorite people -- a quick bonus "de-tease," solving James Altucher's "A.I. Crown Jewel" puzzle ad about "secret" key suppliers, though really, for those who pay any attention it's not so secret at all...

But I shared a more traditional Friday File with our Irregulars, too, since I've got a lot of updates to chew on from some of our larger holdings, like the insurance companies and a couple big tech firms... just click below for that, plus some updates on my portfolio and hedging...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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