Dear John,

Staying in compliance and improving quality outcomes takes on growing importance with each passing year. CMS’ initiatives ranging from the recently announced next round of the pre-claim review called the Review Choice Demo to the new CoPs, HHGM, value-based purchasing and many other changes make compliance harder to maintain while simultaneously making non-compliance costlier than ever.

AHCC’s Home Health Compliance & Quality Outcomes Conference will prepare your agency to operate in this difficult environment. This conference was planned and organized by us, the board members of the Association of Home Care Coding & Compliance (AHCC). We will be addressing a number of compliance issues beyond just fraud and abuse. Compliance aims to prevent problems or to identify them before CMS does.

Attend this conference and protect your agency from:
  • Overpayments
  • Payment suspensions
  • Survey sanctions
  • Termination
This conference will address not just developing a compliance program but building a culture of compliance. Having a culture of compliance will lead to employees who have bought into compliance and, as such, are much more invested in achieving compliance with all of the regulations. The conference will look at ways to leverage your compliance program to survive the next round of CMS’ reviews called the “Review Choice Demonstration” and achieve CoP compliance.

We will be addressing a number of CoP-related issues starting with what surveyors are citing agencies for under the revised CoPs to strategies for building and maintaining an effective QAPI program. We’ll also address the importance of solid clinical documentation, which is fundamental to avoiding survey deficiencies as well as avoiding reimbursement takebacks during CMS reviews. With the trend of reimbursement reductions over the past several years and the threat of pre-claim reviews and a new home health payment model looming on the horizon, clinical documentation compliance is more important than ever to your agency’s long-term success.

Compliance is in our name and we take it very seriously. We are excited about this conference due to the broad and deep content provided and due to the significant importance of this material to agency success.

Plus, AHCC members save an additional $100 off the lowest price. Click here to register or call 1-855-CALL-DH1.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference.

Your partners in home care,
Diana (Dee) Kornetti
AHCC Chair
Arlene Maxim
Vice Chair
Beth Noyce
Robert Markette
Advising Attorney