President Biden delivered a big boost for vaccine mandate opposition on September 9, 2021 when he laid bare his “Covid-19 Action Plan.”
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The GreenMedInfo Daily Newsletter

September 11, 2021

Dear John,

President Biden delivered a big boost for vaccine mandate opposition on September 9, 2021 when he laid bare his “Covid-19 Action Plan.” The six-pronged attack uses executive agencies, “military health teams,” and his claimed authority to bully all Americans into a medical decision. Far from scaring Americans into submission, Biden’s words propelled people to action—and the most powerful thing you can do is join them! We are here to help and give you the opportunity to use your voice and, collectively, to show our strength in numbers. 

The president called for sweeping vaccine mandates for private and federal employees and contractors, teachers and health care workers. Employers with over one hundred workers will face fines of $14,000 each incident if they do not implement a mandate for vaccines and testing. The Administration is increasing spending to promote boosters and tests. It will use the “full legal authority” of the Department of Education to insert itself into the sovereignty of the states’ right to protect its own citizens and school children. It will deploy “Federal Monoclonal Antibody Strike Teams” in partnership with HHS, FEMA, and the Department of Defense.

All of this, despite Biden’s campaign promise on December 4, 2020 that he “wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.” In a press conference on July 23, 2021, when asked about a federal mandate, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed, “That’s not the role of the federal government.” She reminded Americans, “That’s the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others might take.”

Biden referred to the 80 million unvaccinated Americans as a threat. “That 25% can cause a lot of damage.”

And you know what? He’s right. Our strength is in our numbers. 

We are not going to comply. The White House plan is a massive overreach into states’ rights. Health and welfare has never been the role of the federal government, and never will be. Governors across the country immediately mobilized to fight the federal power grab in their states. Biden declared: “I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

The time to stand is NOW. Join the millions of Americans saying No to Mandatory Vaccines.

The president’s announcement was not surprising; it was just appalling. It is unacceptable that someone in such a position of power has such little regard for human life. There is no science to support a population-wide mandate. A recent SHF article explained how development and approval of the vaccine was rushed and is still experimental. In the face of this, the president was crystal clear: “This is not about freedom or personal choice.” 

In the words of the president, “What more is there to wait for? What more do you need to see?”

The time is NOW to tell the president he does not get to operate outside his bounds. He does not have lawmaking power. He does not get to declare away the Constitution of the United States.

Nothing has changed in the White House strategy, but it is now laid bare for all to see. 

What has changed is, people are waking up because of the president’s desperate assertions of power over the American people. He is grasping at straws. The “pandemic politics” of the president are completely illegal, illogical, and unethical. American people are mad and waking up.

We still have options. We have the Constitution, exemptions and our voices. We have state governors fighting “to the gates of hell” for our liberties and livelihoods. We have the added energy and growing numbers in the face of this president’s mad grab for power. This may not be the worst of what the White House will attempt. So we must stand now. If we do not, we will have no legs to stand on and no room to complain when things get worse.

We will help you put Biden’s mandates into perspective on Tuesday at 1 p.m. EST through an exclusive interview with health freedom attorney Kris Ann Hall. Follow Stand for Health Freedom on Rumble to tune in.


You can help bring more Americans together in solidarity for health freedom by supporting SHF. Every day thousands more are joining us. Every social media share, and every dollar donated counts toward building the largest voting bloc nationwide and arming Americans with vital information to safeguard our health rights. Please give today, share our message of health freedom far and wide. The only thing that will stop this wave of tyranny is grassroots education and showing our strength in numbers. 

Thank you all for your incredible support! 

Sayer Ji

Founder of

Co-founder of Stand for Health Freedom


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