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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Adrenaline rush
UAE residents can go to Motiongate Dubai for Dhs49 this weekend
Celebrate UAE’s Year of Tolerance at the massive theme park
DIFC deals
Exclusive dining deals in DIFC to check out this week
Save money on brunches, burgers and drinks at with these top Eat, Sip, Save offers
Have a laugh
Comedian Jo Koy coming to Dubai’s Coca-Cola Arena
The funnyman will stop off in Dubai as part of his Just Kidding world tour
Visit the capital
Pit Stop Menus: Seven brilliant steakhouses to try
Check out these meaty marvels across the city
Win big!
Win Dhs3,000 at Time Out Dubai’s pub quiz at Nezesaussi Grill Dubai Marina
Think you know sports? Prove it to win big
Win two passes to the premiere screening of 21 BRIDGES in UAE
Win a Family Brunch for four at The Great Waldorf Astoria Brunch
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