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Workforce Watch

Editor's Note

The conference program for IndustryWeek's Operations Leadership Summit is here, and registration is open!

The just-announced, multi-track program delivers proven strategies for navigating key industry challenges. Topic areas are specifically designed to help you address workforce and leadership challenges, how to effectively adopt new technologies like AI, and continuous improvement strategies towards achieving operational excellence.

The event includes in-depth site tours and interactive sessions (including peer-to-peer roundtables) that are both informational and engaging. Register now to join the IndustryWeek team in Indianapolis, June 26-28.

In The Spotlight
Some digital tools can put loads of stress on workers, such as when they relentlessly register every small deviation from a standard.
Top Stories
While hiring has decelerated, the number of jobs added in April remains well above 100,000.
During uncertain economic times, focusing on your people and building culture is a stabilizing strategy.
Crosspollination can happen in surprising (and sometimes informal) ways.
Losing your most experienced employee to retirement can be daunting, but with eye tracking technology, you can capture their expertise and pass it on to new hires. See how this innovative approach can transform your training methods and bridge the gap between seasoned professionals and newcomers.
Editor's Choice
IT departments can update software, but they can’t patch people.