The threat actor who posted the data for sale has claimed credit for multiple other breaches, including one at grocery platform Weee! that exposed data on more than 1.1 million customers.
The threat actor who posted the data for sale has claimed credit for multiple other breaches, including one at grocery platform Weee! that exposed data on more than 1.1 million customers.
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 March 10, 2023
US Lawmakers Face Cyberattacks, Potential Physical Harm After DC Health Link Breach
The threat actor who posted the data for sale has claimed credit for multiple other breaches, including one at grocery platform Weee! that exposed data on more than 1.1 million customers.
IceFire Ransomware Portends a Broader Shift From Windows to Linux
IceFire has changed up its OS target in recent cyberattacks, emblematic of ransomware actors increasingly targeting Linux enterprise networks, despite the extra work involved.
Inside Threat: Developers Leaked 10M Credentials, Passwords in 2022
More than five out of every 1,000 commits to GitHub included a software secret, half again the rate in 2021, putting applications and businesses at risk.
Iranian APT Targets Female Activists With Mahsa Amini Protest Lures
A top Iranian, state-sponsored threat is a spear-phishing campaign that uses a fake Twitter persona to target women interested in Iranian political affairs and human rights.
AT&T Vendor Breach Exposes Data on 9M Wireless Accounts
AT&T is notifying customers of a Customer Proprietary Network Information compromise, exposing years-old upgrade details.
Medusa Gang Video Shows Minneapolis School District's Ransomed Data
Much like a hostage's proof-of-life video, the ransomware gang offers the film as verification that it has the goods, and asks $1 million for the data.
5 Critical Components of Effective ICS/OT Security
These agile controls and processes can help critical infrastructure organizations build an ICS security program tailored to their own risk profile.
How to Jump-Start Your Cybersecurity Career
With more than 700,000 cybersecurity jobs available, now is a good time to consider a career change.
AI-Powered 'BlackMamba' Keylogging Attack Evades Modern EDR Security
Researchers warn that polymorphic malware created with ChatGPT and other LLMs will force a reinvention of security automation.

Rising Public Cloud Adoption Is Accelerating Shadow Data Risks
Using a risk-based approach to deal with policy violations and continuous compliance monitoring will help avoid data exposures and fines.

Scams Security Pros Almost Fell For
By working together as an industry, we can develop the technologies needed to account for human error.

TSA Issues Urgent Directive to Make Aviation More Cyber Resilient
Will stricter cybersecurity requirements make flying safer? The TSA says yes, and sees it as a time-sensitive imperative.

Name That Edge Toon: Domino Effect
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

Machine Learning Improves Prediction of Exploited Vulnerabilities
The third iteration of the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) performs 82% better than previous versions, giving companies a better tool for evaluating vulnerabilities and prioritizing patching.
  • ChatGPT: Defending Your Business Against AI-Supercharged Ransomware

    This webinar will dig into the ways criminals are projected to take advantage of ChatGPT and other AI tools to improve the reach and effectiveness of their ransomware attacks. The session will conclude with a review of a 12-step plan ...

  • SecDevOps: The Smart Way to Shift Left

    DevOps has changed the way software is developed, written, and run. But many organizations are still trying to figure out how to build security into application development. In this webinar, experts discuss the integration of security and DevOps - sometimes ...

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