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Wednesday, 15 July 2020

US tech firm turns Dubai desert air into bottled water

Zero Mass Water, will use renewable energy instead of the fossil fuels that power the many...
Majid Al Futtaim to open 15 Carrefour stores in GCC by end of 2020
Supermarket giant Carrefour has target to open 50 stores in total throughout this year
Ample opportunity for Middle East investors despite gloomy predictions, say VC experts
Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal and Fadi Ghandour said investors are still seeing opportunities

Bahrain to add $470m into budget to address Covid-19 economic impact

Emergency funding has been announced by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
Jafza reports 10.6% increase in retail, e-commerce business
First five months saw a 300% increase in consumer demand for e-commerce services in the UAE
Dubai launches new policy to regulate jointly-owned properties
Measures designed to address any potential conflicts of interest

Arabian Business: why we're going behind a paywall

Great, independent content has value and we believe publishers and media houses should be at the...
Tadawul to launch exchange-traded derivatives on August 30
As part of the announcement, the Securities Clearing Center Company - also known as Muqassa -...
Kuwait to resume Friday prayers in mosques
Prayers in mosques have been banned for four months in the country to curb the spread of Covid-19...

Coronavirus: UAE reports 375 new cases, one death

Ministry of Health has carried out over 52,000 coronavirus tests in the past 24 hours

Video: The opportunities and challenges of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030

The Legal Table KSA webinar with Fenwick Elliott and Hammad Al-Mehdar, we discuss how Saudi...
Editor's Choice

UAE's Mars Hope probe launch postponed until Friday

The mission has a launch window that extends through August 13
New laser-based technique to test people entering Abu Dhabi for Covid-19
An Emirati invention the DPI technique was developed by Abu Dhabi-based QuantLase Imaging Lab
Covid-19 brings plans for Kuwait solar plant to a halt
The Al-Dabdaba plant would have provided approximately 15 percent of the electric needs of Kuwait...
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Editor, ArabianBusiness.com
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