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September 13, 2021
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Workplaces see rise in disputes over vaccinations
(Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
A survey by Seyfarth at Work reveals 37% of companies report anger from vaccinated employees at the risk posed by unvaccinated workers, while 21% say those who are unvaccinated are expressing discontent about perceived unfair treatment at work. Disputes are most commonly happening internally, either verbally or via workplace communications platforms, with workers also protesting against management, posting online or refusing to work near each other, says Philippe Weiss, Seyfarth's president.
Full Story: CNBC (9/13) 
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It's not business as usual
COVID-19 has dramatically changed our financial landscape and work culture, sparking a lasting shift in how we do business. Returning to a "new normal" can also mean new risks - and new insurance needs. Learn more.
Recruiting & Retention
Salesforce has offered to relocate staffers based in Texas who have concerns about reproductive health care following the state's introduction of anti-abortion legislation. "Ohana if you want to move we'll help you exit TX. Your choice," tweeted CEO Marc Benioff, using the Hawaiian term for family.
Full Story: CNET (9/11),  CNBC (9/10) 
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Remote Work- Are you prepared for what's next?
Get "The State of the Digital Workplace" report and learn how top organizations are preparing for life after the pandemic. Report includes: Real-world case studies and insights, 10 key takeaways from 500 responses, Priorities and challenges to implementing a digital workplace. Download for free.
Leadership & Development
How can HR drive organization value and resilience?
Address rapid changes in the workforce and capitalize on emerging technology. Putting employees at the center, KPMG helps transform HR with strategy articulation to position you to be agile, relevant and resilient. Learn more.
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Benefits & Compensation
Eighty-three percent of US employees want to access wages at the end of each day or shift, and there are "clear expectations from millennials through to Generation X employees (between the ages of 18-44) to make payday more flexible," said Ceredian, which conducted the survey with The Harris Poll. In addition, 80% of employees would like their wages paid automatically into their accounts as they are earned, and 81% would prioritize employers that offer free access to on-demand pay.
Full Story: Forbes (tiered subscription model) (9/13) 
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The HR Leader
Organizational empathy starts with meeting managers' need for support and growth, so they can, in turn, help their direct reports, write Nolan McNulty and Heather Roberts Washington. When managers are fulfilled and not in danger of burning out, they can be effective communicators, coaches and motivators for their teams.
Full Story: Root Inc. (9/9) 
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About the Editor
Kanoe Namahoe
Kanoe Namahoe
This story isn't in our brief today, but it's a perfect encouragement for the workweek.

Peter Hemans, head custodian at Hackensack Middle School in New Jersey, slept at the school last week to prevent flooding caused by Hurricane Ida, according to reporting from NPR. He was at home when he received a notification that water had entered the building. Knowing that a flooded building could create long-term damage and delay the opening of the school year, Hemans decided to take action. He drove to the school (which took an hour thanks to closed roads) then spent the night there, making sure the emergency sump pumps and outlet hoses were working properly.

People hearing about Hemans’ story are calling him a hero. I concur. May we all bring this mentality to our own work this week.

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Exchange the words 'have to' with 'get to.' Exchange the word 'can't' with 'unwilling.'
Jamie Lee Curtis,
actor, writer
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