The U.S. Air Force wants its early Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) to have range equal to or beyond that of fighter aircraft, with potentially aerial refueling capacity in the first increment.
In this webinar, the experts will dive deep into the adhesive landscape tailored for aerospace interiors. Discover ways to pinpoint the perfect adhesive for a lighter and more efficient application.
Boeing plans to release a strategy soon for adapting the T-7A for new missions after the trainer jet enters full-rate production, but several changes—including a switch to a classified infrastructure—are needed for the Red Hawk to perform an emerging “surrogate” mission and become an operational fighter.
The SCHROTH AirLite® passenger lap belt is the signature product of light-weight and comfortable SCHROTH commercial passenger restraints. Its ultra-low weight lift lever design allows commercial airlines to substantially reduce the total cost of ownership for their passenger lap belts and to realize significant fuel savings.
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Reducing the repair lead time for aircraft components places a strong emphasis on inventory control and supply chain efficiency. The economics is clear for practical business management. Hear a case study about the best practices for reducing repair lead times. Here is a hint, it's all about logistics.
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