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The Modern Algorithm of Chance

These days algorithms rule much of the world. From how supply chains are managed to how vehicles run their engines to the media that many of us watch on the various streaming services. I assume that most of you know that algorithms drive what you see on social media, on YouTube, and even the search results you get, and what you see might be different than what I see. There is a constant search for a perfect, or at least, very targeted way of getting you what you want.

Or at least what the algorithm thinks you want. However, is that the best way for algorithms to be designed? It is for the companies that want to profit from your attention, but is this intense personalization better for us?

There is an interesting article on music discovery, focusing on Spotify, since they are one of the largest streaming services. The article talks about the algorithm and how it tries to match selections to our tastes, basically a complex data analysis of our choices along with metadata that's been created around data that's hard to classify. There are attributes assigned to songs, but are these the attributes that make sense? That's a topic for another day. The result of this is that Spotify tends to recommend more of what we already listen to, which has also driven artists to change how they produce songs since the algorithm matters.

This seems like a similar challenge to what I've seen with the written word. A long time ago many of us consumed the words (with less choice) in newspapers, books, and other physical media. However, we often ran into random things that were different because of our physical paths in life. We might encounter books in a shop or library and be attracted to a cover for some random reason. We might pick up an unexpected work lying adjacent to one in which we were interested and discover something new.

The way we look at books, or anything, changes when we browse and randomly wander the world. These days, we have less of that, with algorithms in electronic systems that guide us further on a path we're walking, not allowing for chance encounters, or even wildly different thoughts because we stumbled on something. Even in our social media, this doesn't often happen. I'd hope that we might encounter a recommendation from another we wouldn't otherwise see, but the promotion of certain feeds and the glut of viral re-sharing often ensures that we don't see many random things. Instead, most of us see the same thing that many others do.

Those of us who have studied computer science know random things are hard to create in computer systems. Building algorithms that embrace randomness isn't something many of us focus on, instead trying for matches that reinforce or duplicate something our clients already want/use/see/etc. That has helped create many businesses in the digital world, but I'm not sure that those businesses are always good for the world.

I don't have a good solution for random chance, other than talking with others, especially those who live different lives from you, and embracing the way they view the world. Hopefully that leads to a book, movie, or other chance encounter that you might not otherwise have.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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  Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Use Logic Apps To Save Money In Azure: Data Engineering in Fabric

John Miner from SQLServerCentral

This next article looks at how a Logic App in Azure can start and stop various database services and save money.

SQLServerCentral Article

AWS Services Using SQL for Big Data Analysis

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AWS offers a robust suite of tools designed to manage big data effectively. This article explores focusses on how SQL is leveraged within Amazon Redshift and Amazon Athena. We will delve into the technical features, practical applications, and step-by-step examples for using these services, highlighting how they can transform raw data into actionable insights for your business.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - The Only Valid Test of a Backup is a Restore

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

Please, let me reiterate: The only valid test of a backup is a restore. THE ONLY VALID TEST OF A BACKUP IS A RESTORE. I’m happy that you have...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Key mappings in Visual Studio Code from The DBA Who Came In From The Cold

At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation. Running code during a presentation should be as smooth as possible…so in VS Code I...

Definitive Guide to DAX cover

The Definitive Guide to DAX: Business Intelligence for Microsoft Power BI, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Excel

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Now expanded and updated with modern best practices, this is the most complete guide to Microsoft’s DAX language for business intelligence, data modeling, and analytics. Expert Microsoft BI consultants Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari help you master everything from table functions through advanced code and model optimization.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Crazy Code I

I have this data in my Customer table:
CustomerID CustomerName 1 Steve 2 Andy 3 Brian 4 Allen 5 Devin 
I run this code:
SELECT t.CustomerID , c.value FROM ( SELECT CustomerID , STRING_AGG (CustomerName, ',') AS me FROM customer GROUP BY CustomerID) t CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(me, ',') c; 
What is returned?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Alessandro Mortola)

STRING_AGG's behavior

Executing the following script (Sql Server 2022), you get the table t0 with 10 rows:
CREATE TABLE t0 ( id INT PRIMARY KEY , field1 VARCHAR(1000) , field2 VARCHAR(MAX)); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT gs.value , REPLICATE ('X', 1000) , REPLICATE ('Y', 1000) FROM generate_series(1, 10, 1) gs; GO
What happens if you execute the following statements?
  1. select STRING_AGG(field1, ';') within group (order by id)  from t0;
  2. select STRING_AGG(field2, ';') within group (order by id)  from t0;

Answer: The query (1) gives the error message "9829 STRING_AGG aggregation result exceeded the limit of 8000 bytes. Use LOB types to avoid result truncation". The query (2) ends successfully

Explanation: According to the official documentation, the data type returned by the STRING_AGG function, depends on first argument (expression).

  • VARCHAR(MAX) results to VARCHAR(MAX)
  • NVARCHAR(1...4000) results to NVARCHAR(4000)
  • VARCHAR(1...8000) results to VARCHAR(8000)
  • Numbers and Date/Time related data types result to NVARCHAR(4000)

For this reason the first statement returns a varchar(8000) and it gives the error because the size of the resulting string is greater than 8000 characters. The second statement aggregates data from a varchar(max) field, therefore there is no problem with the size of the result.    

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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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Integration Services
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SQL Server 2022 - Administration
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SQL Server 2022 - Development
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