Register for Thursday's live webinar - critique included
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Perfect Your
Opening Pages
Are you ready to hook your audience with your book's first words (whether they are your intended audience, agents or editors)? This live webinar will walk you through the steps of writing an engaging first chapter that keeps readers reading and wanting more from your story. Start impressing agents and editors with your first words by registering for Thursday's live webinar!
What you'll learn
All registrants are invited to submit the first chapter of your manuscript for critique (maximum 1500 words). Please wait until after the live webinar date to submit your critique material. This allows you to make changes to your opening chapter based on the presentation and will ensure you receive the most helpful critique possible. All submitted first chapters are guaranteed a written critique by Literary Agent Maria Vicente.
What you'll learn
•  How to engage new readers with your opening chapter
•  The best questions to ask while self-editing your first chapter
•  How to fix mistakes commonly found in first chapters
•  Why having a great opening chapter is so important in today's publishing industry
Who should attend
•  Writers who want to strengthen their novel's opening chapter
•  Writers interested in how a literary agent evaluates sample material
•  Writers who want a professional critique of their novel's opening chapter
•  Writers who are struggling with revisions

Thursday March 8, 2018

1:00 p.m. EST

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Instructor: Maria Vicente
Maria Vicente is an Associate Agent at the P.S. Literary Agency. She specializes in children's books (picture books, middle grade, and young adult), but also represents select adult literary fiction and nonfiction projects in the pop culture, design, and lifestyle categories.
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