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The Voice of the DBA

The Database Giveth and Taketh Away

How many of you have ever run a database query with the wrong parameters and produced a report that you sent to fulfill a request? How quickly did you send another note to ask the report be discarded as a new one was coming? Probably a few of you. I know I have been in that situation during my career. If not a bad query, perhaps some of you incorrectly gathered data from other sources or made the mistake of killing the wrong session or updating the wrong data. Database errors occur, and often we have to decide how to pick of the pieces from a mistake.
Recently there was a fairly high profile database query error with Southwest Airlines. Apparently a mass email went out to let customers know they had been awarded the valuable “Companion Pass” from the company. Many customers with a heavy travel schedule aim for this to allow a companion to travel for free with them. After receiving the email, many contacted the company as they didn’t expect the award. As someone that travels a lot, I know most of us do know exactly when we achieve some status and when we’re short of the level.
Southwest admitted this was a “database error” and gave away a few coupons to customers, but this an embarrassment as well as an annoyance for customers. Most probably got the notice and didn’t feel bad when it was taken away, but a few people were probably close enough to try to change plans and book another person, only to find they weren’t getting a reward. I know, this is a first world problem, but still somewhat embarrassing for Southwest IT.
I doubt this was a database error, unless a DBA updated some rows incorrectly. That’s certainly possible as an UPDATE with the wrong (or missing) WHERE clause is a common occurrence. My guess is that this was likely either a bug in some software that posted mileage completed or it was a poorly written query used to send out emails to customers. In any case, this likely wasn’t a big issue, but it is something that has occurred before. Sometimes with worse consequences.
There will always be data entry errors, and certainly query mistakes in what we run. I don’t know of how we’ll eliminate more of these mistakes, other than to create more alerting that looks for anomalies and let’s someone know to double check that the values are correct. Actually, to me this is one area where AI is useful. It can detect things that look wrong, as it does with spell check or next word suggestions, and then let a user decide to keep or change the data. That might be something we would appreciate in SSMS. It could offer to correct my “selcet” to “select” while also letting me know that setting a price to $150 might be wrong when all other prices are $1500 or great.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Prompt
  Featured Contents

Using Backup Encryption with an External Certificate

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to load an external certificate into SQL Server to encrypt your backups.

Tracking the number of active sessions on a database using SQL Monitor

Additional Articles from Redgate

Phil Factor creates a simple custom metric to track the number of sessions that have recently done a read or write on a database. Having established a baseline for the metric, you’ll be able to spot, and investigate the cause of, any wild deviations from normal behavior.

Reporting Services Basics: Overview and Installation

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

SQL Server Reporting Services has changed quite a bit since it was introduced in 2004. Despite new analytic services like Power BI, SSRS is still a popular tool for paginated reports. In this article, Kathi Kellenberger explains the architecture of SSRS and walks you through installing an SSRS development environment on your workstation or laptop.

SQL in the City Summits – UK, US & Down Under

Press Release from Redgate

Redgate are inviting senior data professionals to attend one of the upcoming SQL in the City Summit events taking place in April, May and June. If you’re interested in learning how your business can benefit from implementing Compliant Database DevOps this event is for you. Find out who’s presenting and register for a Summit near you today. Register now

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Window Functions vs GROUP BYs

Bert Wagner from SQLServerCentral

There are many options available for improving the performance of a query: indexes, statistics, configuration settings, etc… However, not all environments allow you to use those features (eg. vendor…

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Database Fundamentals #21: Using the JOIN Operator, OUTER JOIN

Grant Fritchey from SQLServerCentral

The OUTER JOIN returns one complete set of data and then the matching values from the other set. The syntax is basically the same as INNER JOIN but you…


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Creating a DDL Trigger

What is the DDL For creating a DDL Trigger (a trigger that fires on CREATE TABLE or a similar DDL statement)?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.




  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)


I have this dataframe in R:

> HR.hitters rank players Hr yrs.played 1 1 Barry Bonds 762 22 2 2 Hank Aaron 755 23 3 3 Babe Ruth 714 22 4 4 Alex Rodriguez 696 22 5 5 Willie Mays 660 22 6 6 Ken Griffey, Jr. 630 17 7 7 Albert Pujols 633 22 8 8 Jim Thome 612 22 9 9 Sammy Sosa 609 18 10 10 Frank Robinson 586 21

What does this code do?

> dput(HR.hitters)

Answer: This deparses the object to the client

Explanation: This function, dput() is designed to deparse an object and write a text representation to the screen or a file. In this case, the output is similar to this:

structure(list(rank = 1:10, players = structure(c(4L, 6L, 3L, 2L, 10L, 8L, 1L, 7L, 9L, 5L), .Label = c("Albert Pujols", "Alex Rodriguez", "Babe Ruth", "Barry Bonds", "Frank Robinson", "Hank Aaron", "Jim Thome", "Ken Griffey, Jr.", "Sammy Sosa", "Willie Mays"), class = "factor"), Hr = c(762, 755, 714, 696, 660, 630, 633, 612, 609, 586), yrs.played = c(22, 23, 22, 22, 22, 17, 22, 22, 18, 21)), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")

  Ref: dput -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums


Featured Script

Add working days but avoid holidays

steve 14359 from SQLServerCentral

A function to add or subtract working days taking into account weekends and using a table of non-working days.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fns_AddWorkingDays]
@StartDate datetime,
RETURNS datetime
-- This ensures that however the server is configured for dates
-- the function will know the DATEPART(DW values for Saturday
-- and Sunday
declare @SaturdayDW int
declare @SundayDW int
set @SaturdayDW = DATEPART(DW,CONVERT(datetime,'2019 January 5')) -- A Saturday
set @SundayDW = DATEPART(DW,CONVERT(datetime,'2019 January 6')) -- A Sunday
-- If @N is zero then reduce the date by 1
-- and try adding one day
if @N=0
set @N=1
set @StartDate=DATEADD(DAY,-1,@StartDate)
-- If @N >=0 then increment dates while counting
-- If @N =0 set @increment = 1 else set @increment = -1
-- Work out what to do if the loop encounters
-- a Saturday or Sunday - it depends on the
-- direction of travel.
declare @saturdayadjustment int
declare @sundayadjustment int
if @n>=0 set @saturdayAdjustment = 2 else set @saturdayAdjustment = -1
if @n>=0 set @sundayAdjustment = 1 else set @sundayAdjustment = -2
declare @CountDays int
set @CountDays=0
declare @LoopDate datetime
set @LoopDate = @StartDate
while @CountDays<ABS(@N)
set @LoopDate=DATEADD(DAY,@increment,@LoopDate)
if DATEPART(DW,@LoopDate)= @SaturdayDW
set @LoopDate=DATEADD(DAY,@saturdayAdjustment,@LoopDate)
if DATEPART(DW,@LoopDate)= @SundayDW
set @LoopDate=DATEADD(DAY,@SundayAdjustment,@LoopDate)
if exists(select HolidayID from tblHoliday where HolidayDate=@LoopDate)
set @LoopDate=DATEADD(DAY,@increment,@LoopDate)
set @CountDays=@CountDays+1
return @LoopDate


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Connection to Integration Service Failed - I am using a trial of SQL Server 2017.  SSIS worked. Untill i change Log On As to Local Service. Please help?
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Splitting a multi-dimensional Array in SQL Server 2012 - Hello, I have data from an Orders table that has 4 columns, in which 2 contain data in a multi-dimensional array (ClassAttendees and ClassTickets). I am having trouble splitting the array in SQL server 2012. I would like to create a child table from the array that referenced the original OrderId, and held Class Attendee […]
Troubleshooting with. wait stats (last 2 weeks included) - I’m troubleshooting a slow SQL Server. Our server team is adamant it doesn’t need more memory or CPU. I’ve been working through the wait stats, but can’t figure out where to hunt next. Here is a link to an Excel sheet with stats, and below is a description of the tabs: WaitStats – I’ve […]
grant user read only whole server - Hello — I should know this…  but is there any way to grant a user global read-only access? We replicate our production server using log shipping, and we use the replicated copy for reporting purposes.  We have a few users who we would like to give read-only access to this copy.  However, the databases are […]


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