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USP delays revised chapters; USP to be "informational" only
Thursday, September 26, 2019

News Headlines

USP delays revised chapters; USP to be "informational" only

Source: Hospital Safety Insider

USP announced this week that it would be delaying the implementation of three new and revised chapters. Meanwhile, USP <800> will still take effect on December 1, but will be “informational and not compendially applicable.”

CMS posts new discharging rule; empowers patients

Source: Hospital Safety Insider

"This final rule empowers patients to be active participants in the discharge planning process" says CMS

It’s a lot like you: The dangerous type of emergency risks!

Source: Mac's Safety Space

I know we chatted just last week about emergency management concerns, but once again, there’s more news stuff relating to the management of utility systems (it’s not just about water features) during emergencies.


Healthcare Life Safety Compliance

Info exchange helps prepare hospitals for taxing patient surges

In today’s environment of mass shootings and other mass casualty incidents (MCI), hospitals need to be prepared to deal with a surge of patients at a moment’s notice.


Healthcare Safety Leader

Ask the expert: Can smoke compartments be removed from plans

Q: Section 19.3.7 of the 2012 Life Safety Code® (LSC) discusses smoke compartments in facilities that have greater than 30 sleeping beds per floor or building. If your facility is under 30 beds but greater than 22,500 square feet, are smoke compartments required? Or can they be removed on the life safety plans?

Back to school; Teach employees safety rules by following the rules of the classroom

At the beginning of each school year, teachers spend a month or more getting students into the swing of things by introducing them to new classroom rules and habits, assigning an increasingly difficult workload, and filling out paperwork to help assess them and keep them safe should something happen.

The healthcare industry can learn from our tireless educators.


Roundup Notice


The Hospital Safety Roundup will be going out on Tuesday, October 2nd. Normally we do it on the first Monday of the month- but we decided not to make you wait till the 7th .


We don't have anymore MEU stories for October, but tune in next week for our November stories.!




Webinar Spotlight

Drug Diversion by Healthcare Personnel

Presented on: Monday, October 21, 2019 | 1:00–2:30 p.m. Eastern

Presented by: Kimberly New, BSN, JD

This webinar presented by expert speaker Kimberly New, BSN, JD, will explore current trends in drug diversion by healthcare personnel and will address how facilities can develop a straightforward approach to diversion prevention, detection, and response.

Attendees will have the opportunity at the end of the program for a live Q&A with the speaker.

Resigster Now!


Contact Us

Brian Ward

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949


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