The daily newsletter gets you up to speed on the top local and national news about politics and public policy. Send news tips or feedback to,. Situational Awareness - Thursday, September 3, 2020Good Thursday morning. Are you ready for some politics? TICK TOCK21 days to the 1st Congressional District debate (9/24/2020) Today At Utah PolicyWill VP debate at U change any minds?By LaVarr Webb The University of Utah magazine fall edition features an excellent article by Andrea Smardon about the Oct. 7 vice presidential debate at Kingsbury Hall between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris. Webb's Wrap: Prediction - Fight will escalate over lawmakers calling special sessions . . . UTA is recovering By LaVarr Webb Voters gave Utah lawmakers full authority to call themselves into special sessions. But that doesn't mean the executive branch has to like it. It's clearly going to be a topic of on-going friction between the two branches of government. Currently, relationships are quite good between Gov. Gary Herbert and House Speaker Brad Wilson and Senate Pres. Stuart Adams. They like each other, consult frequently, and usually don't go public with differences. Utah HeadlinesDeseret News
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Policy NewsInsightful podcast: Burningham interviews Jon & Mary Kaye HuntsmanBusinessman and former gubernatorial candidate Jeff Burningham has an excellent podcast featuring a discussion with Jon and Mary Kaye Huntsman. Burningham's introduction: "Today I give you an inside glimpse into one of America's most well known families; The Huntsman's. Here are a couple of questions I ask Jon and Mary Kaye: 1. What's it really like to be a Huntsman? 2. The role that faith has played in their lives? 3. How they decided not to run a write in campaign for Utah Governor 2020? Hope you enjoy this inside look!"Listen to it HERE. Long-term implications of COVID-19 on transportation, development patterns, and air quality COVID-19 is an important moment in the history of cities. Even as we continue to battle the public health emergency of COVID-19, and are grappling with the economic emergency, we are beginning to understand that living with a pandemic may forever alter people's lifestyles and decisions. COVID-19 shifts include teleworking, more online shopping, less commuting and driving, different uses of living and working spaces, and more biking and walking. In short, life has been revolving more around our neighborhoods. This is a "great localization" of life and activity. Sutherland Congressional Series available on YouTube In August, the Sutherland Institute hosted the five events for its 2020 Congressional Series via Zoom. This series is designed to facilitate civil dialogue and convene stakeholders, elected officials and community leaders to discuss important issues. Full transcripts and videos of the events, featuring Sens. Mike Lee and Mitt Romney, and congressmen Chris Stewart, John Curtis and Ben McAdams, are now available to review the topics and policies that members of Utah's congressional delegation believe are crucial today. See Sutherland's website for transcripts and videos. Utahns prefer that new K-12 spending go to teacher pay As part of the 2020 Utah Priorities Project survey, when asked if they would be willing to pay more taxes for public schools, a majority of voters agreed. Utah voters preferred that additional funding be directed toward teacher pay. What about the other preferences? Find out the details in our post. ULCT 2020 annual convention: Respond, Recover, Reimagine September 21st - 25th, 2020 Utah League of Cities and Towns (ULCT) is partnering with American Planning Association (APA) and Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) to provide opportunities Sept. 21-25 to see and hear the latest about planning, managing, communicating, and innovating in Utah cities and towns. With more than 30 workshops, multiple mobile tours, roundtable discussions, a debate between the two candidates running for Governor, and keynote speakers including author Peter Kageyama, "Love Your City", and Reverend France Davis, you will not want to miss this event! The event is fully virtual, except for opportunities for the local mobile tours. Register HERE. Housing and racial injustice On the 3rd day of Utah Housing Coalition's annual housing conference, several renowned national and local speakers will address racial injustice and housing inequality. Local advocates will discuss how racism affects healthcare, education, and access to criminal justice. Nationally renowned researchers will discuss Racial and Ethnic Equity: From Fair Property Taxes to Income Mixing Strategies. BUSINESS HEADLINES
ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY(From Wise WordsQuote Values and Principles: "Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think." Ralph Waldo Emerson Lighter SideRock Puns What do you call a rock that never goes to School? A skipping stone! Thought Catalog Subscribers may receive special messages with information about new features, special offers, or public policy messages from clients and advertisers. |