Today's top stories
November 26, 2019 I View in Browser
Valent Takes A ‘Microscopic’ Look At Soil Health  
Valent Takes A ‘Microscopic’ Look At Soil Health

Valent BioSciences is launching a biorational soil health initiative following more than four years of strategic investment, including acquiring Mycorrhizal Applications.

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Nestlé CEO Thinks Americans Eat Too Much Meat  
Nestlé CEO Thinks Americans Eat Too Much Meat

Mark Schneider, CEO of Nestlé, says consumers in countries like the U.S. are so “over-indexed on animal proteins” that reducing their intake would lead to automatic health and environmental impact.

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Real Dairy Butter Minus The Cows?  
Real Dairy Butter Minus The Cows?

Perfect Day, a startup producing milk proteins via microbial fermentation (minus the cows) plans to expand into animal-free milk fat and other new-to-the-world fats that could replace coconut and palm oil in plant-based burgers and other products, according to an article published by Food Navigator.

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Pork Power Provides 30,000 Servings Of Protein To Food Bank  
Pork Power Provides 30,000 Servings Of Protein To Food Bank

Through Pork Power, the Illinois Pork Producers Association (IPPA) and the Illinois Corn Marketing Board have generated over 721,000 pounds of pork – enough for nearly 3.8 million meals.

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Crop Biodiversity Opportunities Under Review In New Podcast  
Crop Biodiversity Opportunities Under Review In New Podcast

People rely on only 1% of edible plants for food, and a whopping 60% of calories come from just four crops. In a new podcast, FoodNavigator-USA explores how greater diet diversification could create new market opportunities for farmers and better outcomes for our health and the environment.

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