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October 13, 2023

Police Blotters
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Vandals damage school skylights: Parma Police Blotter
In this week’s Parma Police Blotter, a Dentzler Elementary School employee called police regarding an incident of vandalism.
By John Benson, special to
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Fraudulent Lowe’s account opened in construction company’s name: Mayfield Police Blotter
The owners of a construction business reported Oct. 5 that a fraudulent Lowe’s account had been opened using the information of their business.
By Andy Attina /
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Ironic crime alert -- thief steals doorbell security camera: Brooklyn Police Blotter
In this week’s Brooklyn Police Blotter, a Menards employee called police after discovering a customer was stealing merchandise from the Brookpark Road store.
By John Benson, special to
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Man’s stolen vehicle quickly located on fire in East Cleveland: South Euclid Police Blotter
A man reported at 5:14 p.m. Oct. 4 that his vehicle had been stolen from the BP gas station while he was inside the business making a purchase.
By Andy Attina /
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Woman does not take lightly to boyfriend’s co-worker texting him: Highland Heights Police Blotter
A Panini’s employee reported Oct. 4 that she was receiving numerous unwanted calls from a Cleveland woman, 29, because she had been texting that woman’s boyfriend, a co-worker at the restaurant.
By Andy Attina /
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