Monday 24 July

Dear Voornaam,

Topic: Molecular Analyses of Pre-Invasive Breast Disease

Join Associate Professor Kylie Gorringe for a deep dive into the genomic secrets of pre-invasive breast diseases.

For the past decade, A/Prof Gorringe and her team have been meticulously investigating the genomic features of pre-invasive breast lesions, including ductal carcinoma in situ, atypical ductal hyperplasia, and papillomas.

This presentation will offer a comprehensive overview of the progress made so far, share exciting recent findings, and delve into the team's efforts to build prognostic tests for these conditions.

About the speaker:

Associate Professor Kylie Gorringe is a Group Leader and the Co-Head of the Cancer Evolution and Metastasis Program at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

A/Prof Gorringe’s research focuses on utilizing genomics and functional approaches to address clinical questions in breast and ovarian cancer. Her ground-breaking work has been funded by grants from NHMRC, NBCF, the US Dept of Defense, and Cancer Australia.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn from one of the leading voices in cancer genomics.