VCSU Faculty and Staff Newsletter, The Hotline! | Oct 3rd, 2016
This week’s Hotline! includes the following articles: • VCSU to host Envision 2030 liberal arts discussion on Thursday • Flu shorts available on campus Thursday • ‘Economics of Happiness’ film to be presented • Out of Darkness Walk to be held Saturday • Bluegrass jam at museum on Saturday • L2L squash harvest contributes to food bank • Russi presents at Outrage arts and humanities summit • Viking sports update • What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City…
The VCSU Hotline! online newsletter is published every Monday during the academic year. Deadline to submit articles (photos encouraged) is 4 p.m. the Friday before publication. VCSU to host Envision 2030 liberal arts discussion on Thursday  President Tisa Mason will host the NDUS Envision 2030 Pillar Discussion: Liberal Arts and the Humanities on Thursday, Oct. 6, from 1–3 p.m. at Valley City State University.
This is a continuation of the discussion that began as a breakout session at the North Dakota University System’s Envision 2030 education summit held in Bismarck on May 23, 2016.
The public is invited to attend to discuss goals for liberal arts and humanities education in North Dakota. Tom Isern, professor of history and university distinguished professor history at North Dakota State University, will present comments, as will VCSU’s Lee Kruger, associate professor of language and literature, and Anthony Dutton, associate professor and social science department chair.
The discussion, open to the public free of charge, will be held in the Skoal Room of the VCSU Student Center.
Flu shots available on campus Thursday The first of two flu-shot clinics will be held from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 6, in the Presidents and Norway rooms in the Student Center.
A second clinic will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 19 in the Student Center’s Skoal and Student Senate rooms, also from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Cost is $49, and most insurance carriers cover the complete cost. Be sure to bring your insurance card.
For more information, contact Pat Egeberg, VCSU director of health services and wellness coordinator, by phone at 3-7212 or via email at, or call City-County Health at 845-8518.
‘Economics of Happiness’ film to be presented  Valley City’s “What in the World Is Going On?” group is hosting three showings of “The Economics of Happiness,” an award-winning documentary that presents the social, spiritual and ecological costs of our global economy but also highlights the many benefits of a shift to local economic units.
Those interested in viewing the film and discussing what is at stake for our culture have the opportunity to see the conflict illustrated with present-day examples from around the world.
The three showings, open to the public free of charge, will be held as follows: - Barnes County Museum, Thursday, Oct. 6, 7 p.m.
- Room 102, Rhoades Science Center, VCSU, Oct. 10, 7 p.m.
- Valley City Barnes County Public Library, Thursday, Oct. 13, noon (Brown Bag session—bring your lunch if you wish)
Out of Darkness Walk to be held Saturday  The Valley City Out of the Darkness Walk—a fundraiser for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention—will be held at Lokken Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 8. Registration begins at 4:15 p.m., and the walk itself begins at 5 p.m. If you have attended this event in the past, it will have a new look this year that we are really excited about!
We will have a speaker sharing a personal story of loss, and food and activities will be available while we walk the track. There will also be a special healing ceremony including music by the Buffalo River Singers and Dancers and a lighting of lanterns in memory of those lost to suicide. Please bring pictures or signs in honor of those in your life who have struggled with suicide, and we will add them to our wall, or you can make a small sign at the event.
We are very thankful that VCSU chose to be an official sponsor of the event, and we’d love to see the university committee well-represented at the walk. Help us break our attendance record and raise awareness for an issue that is so important to our community.
Maybe your department or office wants to form a team and walk together, or maybe you want to register yourself as an individual walker. You can do that on our website at
Once you register, you can send your link out digitally if you are interested in fundraising. Fifty percent of the funds raised at our walk come back to the North Dakota chapter of AFSP, and Valley City benefits directly from that. The other 50 percent stays with the national organization and helps with the development of new programs, documents and services to support those struggling with ideas of suicide and those who have lost someone to suicide.
If you have any questions about the event, how to participate, or how to donate, please contact Katie Woehl, Valley City Out of the Darkness Walk co-chair.
Bluegrass jam at museum on Saturday The Valley City monthly bluegrass jam session will be held on Saturday, Oct. 8, from 1–5 p.m at the Barnes County Museum. The acoustic-only jam is free and open to the public; beginning bluegrass musicians are welcome.
The jam is sponsored by the Barnes County Museum and the Bluegrass Association of North Dakota (B.A.N.D.) For more information, call John Andrus at 701-762-4891.
L2L squash harvest contributes to food bank  VCSU students and area volunteers harvested more than 65,000 pounds of produce on a farm owned by Dan Faust on Thursday, Sept. 29. The effort of the students—freshmen enrolled in the Learning to Live, Living to Learn (L2L) class along with their upper-class mentors—will benefit those in North Dakota served by the Great Plains Food Bank.
According to Nancy Carriveau, food resource manager for Great Plains Food Bank, the squash, corn, tomatoes and cucumbers harvested that day—almost two double-stacked semi-loads—will provide the equivalent of 54,343 meals.
A crew from KVRR, the Fox affiliate in Fargo, covered the event. Their reporting can be found at
Thanks to all those who participated in the harvest day.
Russi presents at Outrage arts and humanities summit  Jenni Lou Russi, VCSU theatre director, presented an exhibit and participated on a two-person panel, “The Art of Outrage,” with Patrick Luber, University of North Dakota professor in art and design, at the North Dakota University System’s 2016 Arts and Humanities Summit, themed “Outrage,” at UND in Grand Forks on Thursday, Sept. 29.
Russi’s work, “Quick Response to Outrage,” united visual art, performance art and technology. Her process included exploring outrage in solitude. QR codes took the viewer to clips of Russi performing stand-up comedy based on outrage.
Viking sports update  Football Saturday: No. 15 Dickinson State 34, VCSU 7 Viking football dropped a conference game to No. 15-ranked Dickinson State on Saturday. The Vikings are now 2-3 overall and 1-1 in the North Star Athletic Association. VCSU will play at Mayville State, Saturday at 1 p.m.
Volleyball Tuesday: Concordia–Moorhead 3, VCSU 2 Friday: Waldorf University 3, VCSU 2 Saturday: No. 5 Viterbo University 3, VCSU 0 The Viking volleyball program suffered a pair of tough five-set losses last week as they went 0-3. VCSU is now 6-12 overall and 2-3 in conference play. The Vikings have a busy week ahead with home matches on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Golf Viking golf ended the fall season by competing at the NSAA Fall Championships last week in Albert Lea, Minn. After 36 holes of play, VCSU junior Kyle Wiebe is tied for first individually in the men’s bracket, and the Viking men are third of six teams. On the women’s side, VCSU is fifth of seven teams. The conference tournament will wrap up with 36 more holes during the spring season. Complete results can be found at:
Baseball Wednesday: Mayville State 5, VCSU 2 Sunday: VCSU 8, Dickinson 1; Dickinson 13, VCSU 5 The Viking baseball team earned its first win of the season on Sunday as they split a doubleheader with Dickinson State. VCSU (1-8) will wrap up the fall season Saturday with a doubleheader at the University of Winnipeg.
Upcoming Events Oct. 5: Volleyball vs. Mayville State, 7 p.m. Oct. 7: Cross Country @ Jimmie Invitational, 4 p.m. Oct. 7: Volleyball vs. University of Jamestown, 7 p.m. Oct. 8: Football @ Mayville State, 1 p.m. Oct. 8: Baseball @ University of Winnipeg, 1 p.m. Oct. 8: Volleyball vs. Dickinson State, 3 p.m.
What’s happening at VCSU and around Valley City… Monday, October 3
Philomathian Sorority Rush Night
Tuesday, October 4
12:05–1:05 PM Valley City Rotary Club, VFW
Wednesday, October 5
12:00–1:00 PM Kiwanis Meeting, Valley City Country Club 7 p.m. Viking volleyball vs. Mayville State University, Graichen gymnasium
Thursday, October 6
7 a.m. Optimists Club meeting, Vickie’s Viking Room 12:15 p.m. Flu shot clinic on campus, Presidents/Norway Room 1–3 p.m. Envision 2030 discussion, Student Center Skoal room 7 p.m. ‘Economics of Happiness” film, Barnes County museum
Friday, October 7
Ployhar honor band 4 p.m. Viking cross country @ Jimmies Invitational, Jamestown, N.D. 7 p.m. Viking volleyball vs. University of Jamestown, Graichen gymnasium 7:30 p.m. Piano Recital, Geraldine Ong, Froemke Auditorium, Foss Hall
Saturday, October 8
Ployhar honor band concert 1 p.m. Viking football @ Mayville State University, Mayville, N.D. 1 p.m. Viking baseball @ Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 1–5 p.m. Bluegrass jam, Barnes County museum 3 p.m. Viking volleyball vs Dickinson State University, Graichen gymnasium 4:15 p.m. Out of Darkness Walk, Lokken Stadium
Sunday, October 9
Monday, October 10
Columbus Day 7 p.m. ‘Economics of Happiness” film, Rhoades Science Center
Tuesday, October 11
Yom Kippur begins at sundown 12:05–1:05 PM Valley City Rotary Club, VFW
Wednesday, October 12
12:00–1:00 PM Kiwanis Meeting, Valley City Country Club
Thursday, October 13
7 a.m. Optimists Club meeting, Vickie’s Viking Room 12 noon ‘Economics of Happiness” film, Valley city Barnes County public library
Friday, October 14
Pay day 6 p.m. Viking volleyball vs. Morningside College, Graichen gymnasium
Saturday, October 15
11 a.m. Viking volleyball vs. Dakota Wesleyan University, Mayville, N.D. 1 p.m. Viking volleyball vs. Grace University, Mayville, N.D. 4 p.m. Viking football @ Dakota State University, Madison, S.D.
Sunday, October 16
| © Valley City State University 2016 |