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The Voice of the DBA

The Types of Changes

I would guess that most of you reading this piece are database professionals in some sense. Either you work on databases as a developer of some sort (app and/or database) or manage them as a DBA or sysadmin. In working with databases, I'm sure that you need to alter object structures. Maybe you perform a lot of changes, or maybe you just alter the schema occasionally, In either case, you need to make decisions on which changes to make.

I would guess that the most common changes are altering stored procs/views/functions. Often these are to handle new or updated business rules. In those cases, how do you ensure you haven't added regressions? I would hope you had a set of test scripts to verify that your results are correct. If I were very optimistic, I'd hope that you had a set of automated tests, such as those you could write with tsqlt or the Microsoft Unit Test Framework.

I'm sure many of you add new columns to tables. What are these types of changes? Capturing new data? Splitting existing columns or de-normalizing data? In these cases, are you re-examining the data model to ensure the changes make sense?

Maybe even more importantly, if you are capturing new data, do you consider vertical partitions for the table? This can be a good way to separate out data in columns that isn't queried as often. Despite most recommendations, lots of developers will still SELECT * from tables, which can flood the buffer cache with data that isn't often needed by an application. Vertical partitions can reduce the impact of these types of queries.

For those of you that add new data, do you consider using different data types for your new data, or do you have a standard string/numeric/date type that you use? SQL Server (and other platforms) often have a variety of different data types that can save space, while still accommodating the requirements for a change. As an example, many people use datetime as a standard type when they just need a date. In this case, we could save 5 bytes per row by choosing a more appropriate type.

If you add status values or flags, have you considered bit storage for your values? Whether you use the bit datatype or bits in an int, you can dramatically save space in each row. Newer versions of SQL Server include T-SQL functions to help you work with bits, though I would hope most developers can handle simple AND/OR logic against an integer to test if a particular bit is set.

Most software under active development has a need to continually alter and modify the database to meet new requirements. While lots of us have experience in making these changes, and do so often, once we make a change it often becomes enshrined in our production system for years. I would hope that we feel confident in refactoring our code as needed, but the reality of what I often see is that people are loathe to change the database for fear of breaking our software. Even when the refactoring actually improves the performance of the application.

I'm curious what types of changes you often make, and how you go about deciding on the specifics of the change. Let us know about your approach in the discussion. I'm especially interested in how you might handle the various options for changes. Do you assume defaults or are you explicit in how you structure your ALTER code?

You might have a novel way of examining requests and implementing changes that can help others in learning to ensure they make better changes in their own system.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

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SQLServerCentral Article

Vector DB implementation using FAISS

utsav from SQLServerCentral

Searching for relevant information in vast repositories of unstructured text can be a challenge. This article explains a Python-based approach to implementing an efficient document search system using FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) for Vector DB and sentence embeddings, which can be useful in applications like chatbots, document retrieval, and natural language understanding. In this […]

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The Ebb and Flow of AI

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Everybody’s coasting and looking back. Let’s kick our heels up, get comfortable, and talk big picture industry stuff.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Friday Flyway Tips: Chaining Commands for State-based Deployments

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

One of the cool things I’ve seen with the new Flyway CLI is that I can combine multiple actions together in one call, which can make the process of...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Have a Plan for Your Personal Downtime

K. Brian Kelley from Databases – Infrastructure – Security

Most of us know that spending a lot of time on social media and surfing the web isn't good for us, but we still do it. Why? Because it...

T-SQL Fundamentals

T-SQL Fundamentals

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Master Transact-SQL's fundamentals, and write correct, robust code for querying and modifying data with modern Microsoft data technologies, including SQL Server 2022, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Escaping Like I

I have this data in a SQL Server 2022 table:
PlayerID	PlayerName	PlayerStatus 1	The \%Champ	Active 2	The Champ	Active 3	The_Champion	Active 4	The__Champion	Active 5	The\_Champ	Active
How many rows are returned by this code in SQL Server 2022?
select PlayerName from player where playername like 'The\_C%' escape '\' 

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Sparse Column Storage

When does a column declared as SPARSE use no storage?

Answer: when it's value is null

Explanation: When the value of a sparse column is null, no space is used. Ref: Sparse Columns -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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SQL Azure - Administration
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Analysis Services
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Integration Services
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SQL Server 2022 - Administration
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