Venture Business Magazine Official Newsletter, AUGUST 2017
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On Stands Now
Helping Higher Education
From spiraling student numbers to funding shortfalls, Jordan’s Higher Education Minister, Adel Tweissi, is under no illusion about the size of the challenges facing our university system.
Tawjihi Turn Around 
Ever since assuming post as the Minister of Education, Omar Razzaz has been busy engineering plans to upgrade the Kingdom’s education system, starting with the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (Tawjihi).
We have to work on changing the culture, the part where all parents want their kids to obtain a university degree.
Adel Tweissi, Minister of Higher Education
Young People Need Jobs, and So Do Their Parents 
Efforts to get young people into work should come as part of a wider package of macroeconomic policies.

Venture Business Intelligence Monthly (Venture magazine) is a business publication geared toward Jordan's forward-thinking and creative agents of change. In keeping readers abreast of the latest news and trends in business, Venture sets the standard for groundbreaking reporting and analysis in Jordan and abroad.


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