Abu Dhabi: The Year Ahead

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) said it provided a $22 million loan for the construction and operation of a 50 MW photovoltaic plant in the Risha region, 300 kilometers north-east of Amman.

Investment Minister
Venture Explains : Amazon Go
Amazon has just hammered another nail in the coffin of brick-and-mortar retail by opening its first checkout-free grocery store, Amazon Go.
Food producers and importers say tax hikes are hard to swallow

Food producers and importers are worried about the impact recent tax rises will have on their sector.
Tax revenues are growing at a slower rate than the GDP and that means trouble for the Jordanian economy. 

King Due at Iraq Reconstruction Conference

Food producers and importers are worried about the impact recent tax rises will have on their sector.

Tax revenues are growing at a slower rate than the GDP and that means trouble for the Jordanian economy. 

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