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In a significant victory for LGBT rights advocates and all those concerned for minority rights, Georgia’s governor has said he intends to veto...
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If you pay attention to animal news, you probably saw a heart wrenching photo of dog named March a few weeks back. He’s the pit bull mix sitting...
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When her 12 ducklings fell into a storm drain, this mother duck got help.
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Wildlife officials in Florida have released the latest population survey for Florida black bears, saying their numbers are way up, but conservationists...
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Children spend less time outside each day than prison inmates do in the United States. Inmates are guaranteed two hours of outdoor time daily, whereas one...
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Sea cucumbers are funny-looking, hot-dog-resembling sea creatures who move slowly, grub on plankton and can often be found lodged in cracks or crevices...
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Saturday was a big day for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign as a series of three large wins in caucuses in the West helped the Vermont Senator...
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In a move that could offer trans prisoners greater protection, the Department of Justice has announced that an inmate's sexual anatomy should not be the...
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A new environmental sanctuary has been created surrounding the Galapagos Islands, including an area with the world's highest abundance of sharks....
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Despite a moratorium on whaling and repeated warnings from the international community, Japan has just revealed that it killed some 333 whales in its most...
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This week, a couple of states have been making headlines for all the wrong reasons: Georgia for its House Bill 757 which would allow people in the state...
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Budget cuts to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) are happening all over England. As a British expat who now lives in California, I used to be...
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As we get closer to the Republican National Convention, and the weekend that the GOP is going to be forced to endorse a candidate for the presidency, more...
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UPS driver Bill McWha had just moved to Wakefield, Rhode Island, in 2010 when he decided to check out his town's main river. From the banks of the...
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