With devastating violence escalating throughout Israel and Gaza, Daniel Byman discusses the regional dynamics at play and explains how Hamas is seeking to balance its roles as the government of Gaza and as the leading Palestinian resistance group to Israel.
For more analysis on the conflict between Israel and Hamas and how international actors might respond, listen to Shibley Telhami on a new episode of The Current.
“How the visions of the internet in the United States and the EU bloc play out in the coming years, particularly under the Biden administration, will matter greatly for shaping the future of the internet, its freedom, and openness,” Konstantinos Komaitis and Justin Sherman write.
The phrase “build back better” recognizes that many health, education, and labor systems around the world were failing to do their jobs before COVID-19. Will the pandemic shift the political equilibrium to make important changes? Shanta Devarajan shares three reasons for optimism.
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