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The Mundo Maya Organization has started the reactivation of the five countries that make up the Mayan World organization’s tourism offering: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras with a virtual trade event that will offer international travel trade industry the opportunity to set up meetings with entrepreneurs of the Mundo Maya in a span of three days, from July 27 to 29, 2021.
Participants will be able to pre-register for 15 minute- appointments with exhibitors as well as request last-minute meetings during the span of the three days. In addition, they will have the opportunity to listen to the tourism ministries of the Mundo Maya member countries share updated protocols and reopening details for each country.

To participate in the virtual meeting as a buyer, please register at:

To register as a member of the media, please click here.
The Mundo Maya Organization aims to position its region, once home to the ancient Mayan civilization, as a multi-destination. The 1,440-mile archaeological and ecological circuit runs through Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and five states in southern Mexico.
Within the borders of these five nations, a variety of ecosystems are found. These range from humid tropical forests, salt marshes and jungles, to highlands and mountain ranges reaching heights of 9,000 feet (2,700 meters), and the Caribbean coast, with the world’s second-largest barrier reef and some of its most beautiful beaches.
The region is also home to more than 200 monumental astronomical complexes that once served to map the skies for the ancient Maya. Today, the Mayas, who still inhabit the region — descendants of scientists, artists, warriors and merchants — participate in the creation of a sustainable tourism product that shares their natural and cultural inheritance with the world through the Mundo Maya Organization.
Given the suspension, and now reactivation, of tourism worldwide due to the pandemic caused by theSARS-CoV-2 virus, commonly called Covid-19, the Mundo Maya Organization has sought to use technology as a method for the development of commercialization actions. The offer of Mundo Maya is one of the most attractive in this reopening world, not only for its cultural offer but also for its offer of outdoor activities, since a large percentage of the activities we offer are adventure, ecological and sustainable — an ideal experience for today's traveler.
It is estimated that around 200 exhibitors representing the tourism sectors of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico will participate in the virtual event, along with 250 buyers, wholesalers, tour operators and travel agents from all five domestic markets as well as North American markets such as the U.S., Canada, Panama and the Dominican Republic and South American markets including Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru.
Direct contact: carlos@enroutecommunicatios.com or mundomaya.enroute@gmail.com
Visit https://live.eventtia.com/es/dcobys_mundomaya/Inicio for more information on the event.

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