
Steps you can take today to ready your org for a cyber compromise
June 17, 2020
11:00 AM ET
John, your security operations team spends most days scanning for potential threats and eliminating vulnerabilities. But what about that “very bad day” when a major breach occurs? How do you deploy your resources, and who does what?  Learn all about the key elements behind security operations and incident response at our panel session " What Every Enterprise Should Know About Security Operations and Incident Response," at this Dark Reading virtual event.

Take a second look at your breach response plan and get a deeper insight on how security operations and incident response programs should work in the event of a major cyber-attack. You’ll get a closer look at how security operations can detect and assess the extent of an exploit, and how you can trigger a response to help mitigate it – even if your "incident response team" is only one or two people.

You’ll also get practical advice on how to identify and manage a breach in its earliest stages. For example, in "How Do You Know When You’ve Been Breached? A Closer Look at Detecting Cyber Compromises," you’ll get:
  • Advice and tips on how to uncover a well-obfuscated attack
  • Hints on how to use data analysis to reveal multi-pronged exploits
  • Recommendations on how to process alerts and alarms and prioritize your responses
If you’d like to know more about the best practices for responding to a major cyber incident, this virtual event is for you.
Not sure what your schedule is going to look like on June 17th? No problem! You can register today and view it on-demand.
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