While health systems might be at different stages of implementation, there are several key virtual nursing strategies that CNOs should take into consideration.
Read about how CNOs can improve their virtual nursing programs, see what virtual nursing gets wrong, hear more about virtual nursing from four nurse leaders, find out about how to handle physician unionization, learn about AI prescribing medication, and read about a bill that could give nurse midwives full practice authority.
Monday, March 10, 2025

Virtual nursing has spread far and wide throughout health systems across the country as it becomes a critical component of patient care, and it's gaining buy-in from nurse leaders everywhere.

While health systems might have different approaches or be at different stages of implementation, there are several common virtual nursing strategies that CNOs should take into consideration.

The Winning Edge for Advancing Your Virtual Nursing Program webinar included four experts on the subject who discussed four key takeaways for CNOs who want to improve their virtual nursing program.

In this week’s lead story, let’s take a look at how CNOs can individualize their virtual nursnig programs, get nurses involved, choose the right technology, and make the financial case for virtual nursing.


Virtual Nursing Will Be Nonnegotiable: Here's How CNOs Can Prepare
While health systems might be at different stages of implementation, there are several key virtual nursing strategies that CNOs should take into consideration.
Infographic: What Virtual Nursing Gets Wrong
Virtual nursing still has room for improvement, according to these nurse leaders. 
The Winning Edge for Advancing Your Virtual Nursing Program
Virtual nursing is becoming the standard of care, and nurse leaders must prepare for the next evolution.
Physicians Are Unionizing. What Should CMOs Do?
Although physician unionization efforts have been focused on the West Coast, the trend is growing and spreading across the country, this consultant says.
There's A Long Way to Go Before AI Tools Can Prescribe Medication. But How Long?
Legislation before Congress would allow AI tools or machine learning technologies to prescribe medication if approved by state law and the FDA.

In Case You Missed It...


That's all for this Monday! Thank you for turning to HealthLeaders for your healthcare nursing news.

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G Hatfield
CNO Editor