EDUwire Daily Update


May 11, 2017

  EDUwire Daily Update
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EduWire Daily Editorial Team
Margot Douaihy - Editorial Director
Phone: (212) 378-0400 x 538
  Today's Top Stories
1. Virtual Reality Coursework Provides Rich Training Ground
via EdTech Magazine
There’s a tipping point at which we stop referring to innovations as “emerging” and simply say, “They’re here.” We are rapidly approaching that point with virtual and augmented reality (some would say we passed it last summer, with the explosive popularity of Pokémon Go).
Why This Matters: When harnessing their power as edtech, VR and AR are opening up new learning opportunities, from “hands-on” training to cutting edge forms of creation.
2. When Students Whine About WiFi on Twitter
via Campus Technology
Mean tweets aren't just a feature on Jimmy Kimmel Live! — they permeate the feeds of college students across America. And the primary target of their wrath seems to be campus WiFi.
Why This Matters: Students are taking to Twitter to complain about many things, but campus Wi-Fi seems to be getting lots of 140-character attention. Schools like the University of Georgia and Arizona State University are tapping into these social media tirades to improve their services.
3. Digital learning: how to keep your students switched on
via The Guardian
Universities will be busy this year adapting to the changes introduced by the government’s higher education reforms. But they mustn’t forget that there is more to the future of higher education than the teaching excellence framework ratings exercise: digital learning will also take centre stage.
Why This Matters: Keeping students engaged online can be even trickier than in face-to-face classrooms. Solid online teaching needs to go beyond the info dump.

4. Three Years In, Minerva’s Founder On For-Profits, Selectivity, and His Critics (EdSurge)
5. Could Robots Handle Peer Review? (Inside Higher Ed)
6. Sonic Foundry Hosts Annual User Conference Unleash17 (AV Network)
7. Trends | Global EdTech Landscape 2.0 (EdTech Digest)
8. Fast-Tracking Military Attainment: Creating Credential Pathways for Service Members (The EvoLLLution)
9. Why higher ed needs to eradicate the university term (eCampus News)
10. Paul Quinn College president asks ASU+GSV: 'What if we're wrong?’ (Education Dive)
  Blog Quote Of The Day
Annotation & the net conundrum
"This is the essential problem we keep coming back to with the internet: The great thing about the internet is that anyone can say anything. The terrible thing about the internet is that anyone can say anything. It’s why discussion lists, chat rooms and twitter have all succumbed to dark forces. Annotation is just the latest manifestation of this essential dichotomy between complete openness (but vile people use it to make people’s lives miserable) and control (used by states and corporations to block criticism). There are negatives at either end (and positives too it should be said)." —Martin Weller, The Ed Techie
  Today's Top Tweet
School anti-cheating

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