Visa debuts AI-powered fraud fighting tools, Libra may face EU antitrust probe, How digital IDs help disaster victims



August 21, 2019

Digital ID

When Disaster Strikes, Digital ID Is Front And Center

When disaster strikes, fraudsters take aim, particularly as more donations and disaster assistance programs go online. In a world filled with more and more disasters, Trulioo General Manager Zac Cohen tells Karen Webster how digital identity plays an important role in making sure that victims are not victimized.



Commercial Cards

Commercial Cards Take The Global B2B Payments Stage

How do you convince trading partners to use credit cards to pay their suppliers when direct debit is the way it’s always been done? Boost Payment Solutions Founder and CEO Dean Leavitt tells Karen Webster that’s the challenge in many parts of the world — and a tremendous opportunity for issuers to use commercial cards to ignite a new B2B payments opportunity. Here’s how.




KYB’s Coming Of Digital Age

Verifying that a business is actually the business it says it is remains largely slow, manual and paper-intensive. Cognito Co-Founder and CEO Alain Meier tells PYMNTS that it’s time for KYB to take a digital page from the KYC playbook.



Grocery Wars

The Grocery Report: New Products, New Partnerships And New Channels

Grocery stores are pulling out all of the stops to make buying food mobile, digital and sticky. The last few weeks have seen just how hard the big players like Target, Walgreens, Kroger, and Amazon are working to win the hearts, minds and wallets of the American consumer. We’ve got the latest.



Digital Banking Tracker™

Trending: FIs Use AI To Challenge Challenger Banks

Challenger banks are pushing traditional banks to reboot their customer experience. In the latest Digital Banking Tracker, Jamie Warder, head of digital banking for KeyBank, explains how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is helping their challenge the challengers.




What's Hot

AI Firm H20 Gets $72.5M In Series D Funding Round

Goldman CEO Touts Apple Card As Consumer Banking Catalyst

Visa Debuts AI-Powered Fraud Fighting Tools

DOJ Joins State AGs In Big Tech Antitrust Probe

EU Investigating Libra For ‘Anti-Competitive Behavior’

Gen Z Gets Friendly With Credit

Concerns Mount Over Banks' Move To The Cloud

DoorDash Teams With Revention For Last-Mile Restaurant Deliveries

Apple Health Execs Leave Company Amid Internal Clash

Bitcoin Daily: NY Lawsuit Accuses Bitfinex Of Concealing Losses; Gemini Trust Taps Damato As New CEO

Best Of Yesterday 

NEW DATA: Consumers Want Sharing Economy Platforms To Verify Their Identity

Tech Taking The Bite Out of Student Loan Debt: One Employer Benefit Plan At A Time

Why AP Management For SMBs Is More Than Making A Payment


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