Visa, SiriusXM team on in-car wallets; Microsoft, Kroger take on Amazon Go, Sensory CEO on next wave of voice AI tech



January 8, 2019

Faster Payments

Online Sports Gambling Makes Bet On Faster Payments

To the winner, goes the spoils — instantly. In theory, that is. In the case of online gambling, EML’s Managing Director and Group CEO Tom Cregan talks to PYMNTS about how the emerging online sports gambling ecosystem is placing its bets that making instant payments to bettors is the only way to win.




Ondot CEO: Rewards Are ‘Table Stakes’ — Cardholders Now Expect Experiences

Rewards are old school. In a new PYMNTS podcast, Karen Webster and Ondot CEO Bharghavan Vaduvur discuss why experiences might be the best way to win a customer’s heart, mind and wallet share — and make them profitable brand ambassadors for issuers.



Voice AI

Sensory CEO On Voice-Activated Technology’s Next Big Wave

Sensory has been preparing for the voice-activated AI future for the last 25 years — a reality that is starting to live up to expectations. CEO Todd Mozer tells Karen Webster that the next big wave of voice-tech innovation will be when voice AI is embedded into any device, making intelligent interactions happen naturally and in context. It’s closer than we think.



Digital Fraud Tracker™

How Neiman Marcus Uses AI To Fight Fraudsters

Retailers are increasingly using new tools to differentiate between legit and fraudulent transactions. In the latest Digital Fraud Tracker, Neiman Marcus’ Chief Information Security Officer Shamoun Siddiqui tells PYMNTS how AI tech helped the retailer stay a step ahead of the crooks this holiday season.




What's Hot

Samsung Issues Earnings Warning Amid Slowing Smartphone, Chip Sales

Visa, SiriusXM Pair On In-Car eWallets

Kroger, Microsoft Take On Amazon Go

Qualcomm To Add Amazon Music, Prime Video Into Cars

Amazon Becomes World’s Most Valuable Company

Amazon Key Now Compatible With Ring

Uber IPO Lowered To $90B

Regulators Debate Consumer Ownership Of Digital ID Algorithms

Warren Bashes Wells, Equifax In Iowa Speeches

Bitcoin Daily: Bitcoin Breaks Through $4K; Leafbuyer Unveils Blockchain Initiative

Best Of Yesterday 

2019 Payments Predictions: What To Take Forward And What To Leave Behind

NEW DATA: The US Commuter’s $230B Digital Drive


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