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Hello IamExpat member,

Expat Mortgages has a new home! When you move to a new property, it’s the start of a beautiful new future – and this is exactly how we feel about the new Expat Mortgages office in Amsterdam.

This autumn, your friendly mortgage broker for internationals has moved into a new office space called Zandkasteel, near the Bijlmer station. There’s easy access by train, metro, bike, and car, with room for exciting new seminars and workshops as well as face-to-face client meetings with our helpful and professional team.
We know that buying a house in another country can be a huge adventure. And so we want to offer that personal touch to do everything we can to help our clients on the way to their new front door keys. So our office is already the place for live seminars on all kinds of diverse products and topics – from the secure bidding plan that can help you make a competitive bid while protecting you in case a mortgage offer falls through, to buying a new build house or getting a “box 3” mortgage.

The new office is in the heart of Amsterdam's expat community, making it easy to access for clients, and best of all it features a cinema and live event space that is perfect for seminars and events. Check out our event page to find out how Expat Mortgages can help you on your housing search – and please, come visit us in the new office! 

Upcoming events include hybrid meetings, in person and online, on how to get started and orient yourself in the Dutch housing market. Meanwhile, even our new office doesn’t stop us travelling the country, because we have a presentation in Eindhoven this month too!

Expat Mortgages’ new office is a launchpad for your search to find that perfect property in the Netherlands. So, please, make an appointment to visit us and make yourselves at home!

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